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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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The Specials from "The Music Man" narrated by Denny Holland: "Ya Got Trouble" - Greg Robinson; "Good Night, My Someone" - Barbara Oswalt; "Pick a Little, Talk a Little" - Girls Sextet; "Alida Rose" - Boys Quartet; "Will I Ever Tell You?" - Kay Robinson; "Wells Fargo - Mixed Chorus; "Til There Was You" - Girls Trio; "76 Trombones" - Mixed Chorus, and "Dream" - Mixed Chorus.

At this point the audience rose with an ovation to Mr. John Groethe, music director, for the wonderful program and the music he has brought to this town, which is greatly appreciated. A gift was presented to Mr. Groethe by the President of the P.T.O. Bill Hamilton.

The flag of Iowa was presented to Supt. Reith by Mrs. John Patterson from the American Legion Auxiliary for the Collins Community School.

The high school vocal music contest will be held at Radcliffe March 25th and 26th. (Insert: No further information found.)

March 31, 1966 Honor Roll (Quarter) - Seniors: Linda Clemons, Gary Dickel, Carla Rhoads, Sheila Johnson, Vicki Robinette, and Greg Robinson. Juniors: Marilyn Carson, Lee Huntrods, Jean Kimberley, Vicki Mullihan, Kay Robinson, Kevan Stratton. Sophomores: Steven Holland, Kathy Hunt, Barbara Oswalt, Michael Mullihan, Jack Richeson. Freshmen: Mary Rice.

School Calendar: Apr. 20 - Senior Play; Apr. 20, Student Council Conference in Marshalltown; Apr. 22 and 23 - Finals, Large Group Music at Colfax; Apr. 23 - Juniors take ACT tests; Apr. 23 - 9th Grade Girls will hold a tea for their mothers; Apr. 25 week - Boys Sectional Baseball; May 3 - Senior Breakfast; May 11 and 12 - Senior Trip; May 14 - Junior-Senior Banquet; May 15 - Baccalaureate; May 17 - Commencement (Speaker, David Stanley, a Muscatine attorney and State Senator for Cedar and Muscatine Counties); May 18-19 - Semester Exams; May 20 - High School enrollment and registration for 66-67 year; May 20 - Eighth Grade Graduation and High School Awards; May 21 - Alumni Banquet; May 23 - Year-end report cards and checking out time for teachers.

April 7, 1966 Career Day - High School juniors and seniors from over twelve schools are invited to attend the Annual Career Day at Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines. Students will get to see a working artificial heart, a patient attached to a heart monitor-pacemaker machine, a frozen section (a process to determine within seconds the presence or absence of malignant tissue) and many other medical marvels, and also enjoy a free lunch amongst a display of medical career items. Students will be invited to write essays on favorite medical careers with five winners eligible for cash prizes from Raymond Blank Hospital Guild and three-day junior internships in departments of their choice from the hospital.

April 14, 1966 The Senior Class will present their play "Bull in a China Shop" on April 16 in the auditorium/gym under the direction of Mrs. Rosalie Mellor. Admission is .65 - Adults, .35 - Students. It takes place in the parlor of a house at 909 Sycamore Street, a boarding house for ancient females, all of which are old maids. These ladies all are in love with a bachelor who is a detective in homicide.

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