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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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December 23, 1965 Junior High Grade News - This Wednesday the 8th grade is giving a Christmas party for the junior high. Each person will bring a gift for the grab bag. 7th: We have finished a unit on space travel in Science and are handing in our notebooks. In Arithmetic we are studying construction by using the compass and protractor. We have completed our unit on South America and are starting on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean.

Basketball - The Collins girls won their 8th game of the year with one loss with a well-played 62-43 win over Garwin. Collins led 36-21 at halftime. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 27 pts.; Pam Snyder - 20 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 15 pts. Cathy Clemons, guard, led in rebounding with 17.

January 13, 1966 Basketball - The Collins girls raced to a 75-27 Homecoming win over Baxter. The Clipperettes started fast and built a 45-15 halftime lead. The guard court allowed the visitors only a field goal and 39 shots in doing a very effective defensive job. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 31 pts.; Pam Snyder - 21 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 19 pts.; Marilyn Carson - 2 pts.; Mickey Holland - 2 pts. (Lineup not found)

Collins boys - no information found.

The Annual Homecoming Dance sponsored by the Student Council was held following the basketball games with Baxter. The highlight of the evening was the crowing of Greg Robinson and Linda Clemons as Homecoming King and Queen. Last year's king and queen, Dennis Krausman and Karen Kingman, were present to do the crowning honors. King's court (all seniors) was - John Kloppenborg, Ed Carver, David Kimberley. Queen's attendants (all seniors) were Sue Lengeling, Carla Rhoads, Sheila Johnson. As the evening progressed we were entertained by the "Fabulous Dukes" and the "High School Dance Band." The dance was well attended by high school students and alumni.

January 20, 1966 The Collins Board of Education decided to make preparation for a summer program under "Title I" in the fields of Reading, Mathematics, and Science. Pupils needing extra help in any of these fields may enroll in these courses. The program will operate for about one month. Transportation will be furnished for rural children. The program will not cost the local community any school taxes, federal taxes are used for this program. The program is subject to state approval.

Driver Education will be offered again this summer over a period of eight weeks under the same plan as last year.

The Board offered Bill Brooks the management and coaching of the summer playground for the coming summer. (Insert 2007: Our first notice of a summer playground program)

Basic Skills tests are being given in 3rd through 8th grades this week.

Basketball - The Collins Clipperettes defeated Maxwell 75-58. The Clipperettes led by only 5 points at halftime and came back strong in the 2nd half with fine play for the 75-58 win. The guards did their usual very good defensive play. Clipperettes have 10 victories with 1 loss. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 44 pts.; Pam Snyder - 19 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 11 pts.

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