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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Basketball - The Collins Clipperettes rolled to their 6th win with no losses with a 61-47 win over L.D.F. (LeGrand). The Collins guard court held the fast L.D.F. forwards in check with brilliant defense in the 1st half until the forward court broke the game open in the second half, pulling away from a 21-18 halftime margin. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 38 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 18 pts.; Pam Snyder - 10 pts. (Lineup not found)

The boys played an outstanding game against a high quality L.D.F. team, losing by only 4-points 66-62. Collins led throughout the 1st three quarters - 52-45 with L.D.F. outscoring Collins 21-10 in the final quarter. Leading Scorers: Bill Christian - 22 pts.; John Crabb - 15 pts.; Roger Holland - 15 pts. (Lineup not found)

The cheerleaders should be complemented on the wonderful job they are doing in our cheering section.

December 16, 1965 Grade News - 8th: In History we are studying the colonies just after the Revolutionary War when the United States was trying to form a new government. In Science we have been studying the animal kingdom and are now studying the plant kingdom. The Junior High boys and girls basketball teams played their first game Dec. 4 with Maxwell. The girls lost 45-30; the boys won 36-34.

Basketball - The Clipperettes took the lead in the 1st quarter and maintained a substantial lead throughout the game, defeating Colo 60-49. Leading scorers: Vicki Mullihan - 44 pts., Sandy Rumbaugh - 12 pts. (Lineup not found)

The boys also defeated Colo. (The score and the lineup not found)

The Clipperettes suffered their first defeat of the season against a strong Semco (Gilman) team 74-69. The high-scoring game saw the score tied many times and the fans saw one of the best played games of this year. The Clipperette record is 6 wins and 1 loss and moved Semco into a tie with Collins girls for 1st place in the Conference standings. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 36 pts.; Pam Snyder - 30 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 4 pts. (Lineup not found)

No information found on the Clippers game.

The Clipperettes scored early and maintained a lead throughout the game in defeating Mingo 72-65. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 46 pts.; Pam Snyder - 16 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 10 pts. (Lineup not found)

The Clippers really looked good in the Mingo game. Halftime Collins trailed 33-32, 3rd quarter 43-43, regulation game 57-57, overtime - Collins scored 9 points and stopped Mingo for a 66-57 overtime win. Leading Scorers: Roger Holland - 27 pts.; Bill Christian - 15 pts.; Lee Huntrods - 10 pts.

Cheerleaders - JoAnn Novinger, Connie Dickel, Lisa Pointer, Kay Robinson.

"Fantasy in Frost" is the name of the Annual Ball sponsored by the Junior Class will be held in the school lunchroom from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. (no date given.) Candidates for king and queen are: Freshmen - David Lengeling, Karmen Kimberley; Sophomores- Dan Newman, Janet Dickel; Juniors - Terry Krausman, Sandy Rumbaugh; Seniors - Gerald Maxwell, Mary Lou McQuiston.

On December 9, 41 students of the English classes (9th, 10, 11, and 12th) took a trip to Des Moines to see "Hamlet" at Drake University.

Christmas vacation begins December 22.

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