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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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The Collins Junior Class, directed by Mrs. Rosalie Mellor, is presenting a 3-act comedy-farce called "Uncle Fred Flits By." The main setting for the play is Judge Basher's house at Mitching Hall near London. This is the refuge taken by Uncle Fred and his nephew, Pongo Twistleton, intelligent law student. Uncle Fred is revealed as an old chap complete with English accent, mean and nasty disposition, and bright scarlet tie. Cast: Uncle Fred - Kevan Stratton; Pongo Twistleton - Jim Hale; the Crumpet, Pongo's Pal - Jim Lehman; Maid - Vicki McQuiston; Julia Parker, a girl in distress - Kay Robinson; Wilbur Robinson, the cause of Julia's distress - Terry Krausman; Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Julia's parents - Denny Holland and Vicki Mullihan; Judge Basher, Julia's grandfather - Bill Hamilton; Lady Duff Wilson and Mary, a concerned lady and her daughter - Jean Kimberley and Mickey Holland; Miss Dougal and Miss Spender, librarians - Connie Dickel and Marilyn Carson; Policeman - Lee Huntrods. The presentation is Nov. 13.

November 18, 1965 Junior News - As the grand finale to our play and weeks of practice, a pizza party was held in Nevada at Mrs. Mellor's home. We were royally treated to food and hospitality as Mellor's home was complete with a built-in love seat, fireplace and soft stereo music. We all relaxed, reminisced and enjoyed stuffing ourselves with pop and pizza.

The juniors will be selling candy, popcorn, and pop in the lobby and cake, cookies, and hot coffee in the lunchroom at every home basketball game.

November 25, 1965 Basketball - The Clipperettes opened the season on the home court with a victory over Maxwell girls 60-52. Collins had 28-16 halftime lead, stretching to 48-38 3rd quarter margin and the 60-52 win. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 31 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 23 pts.; Pam Snyder - 6 pts. (Lineup not found)

The Collins boys opened the season with a strong victory over Maxwell 73-52. First quarter was 15-15, halftime 6 point margin for Collins, and the boys had a hot 32 point 3rd quarter for a 73-52 victory. Leading Scorers: Bill Christian - 24 pts.; John Crabb - 23 pts.; Jim Lehman - 10 pts. (Lineup not found)

December 2, 1965 Grade News - 6th: We visited Maxwell Museum. Miss Belva Swalwell (Member, Board of Directors) was there to give us a guided tour throughout the museum. I enjoyed it very much and if you haven't gone, please do. I know you will enjoy the museum.

Basketball - Collins girls lost a tight game to Garwin 69-67. The boys also lost 75-48. (No lineup found for girls and boys games.)

December 9, 1965 - The Collins Clipperettes rolled past Colo 60-40 on the home court. The Collins girls started fast and had a safe lead throughout the game. The Collins guard court contained the Colo attack and boards effectively, giving the Colo girls only one shot at a time. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 44 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 12 pts.; Pam Snyder - 3 pts.; Linda Carroll - 1 pt. (Lineup not found)

The Collins boys also had a 20 point margin, defeating Colo 61-40. Leading Scorers: Bill Christian - 23 pts.; Roger Holland - 16 pts.; John Crabb - 13 pts. (Lineup not found)

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