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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Girls Glee Club: (From the annual) Row 1. Acc. Sheila Johnson, Vicky McQuiston, Janet Dickel, Ione Uitermark, Linda Williams, Jean Kimberley, Susan Lengeling, Mary Newton, Vicki Mullihan, Pam Luing, Barbara Oswalt, Mickey Holland, Barbara Carver, Carla Rhodes, Vicki Robinette, Mr. Groethe - Music Director. Row 2. Mary Lou McQuiston, Connie Dickel, Lorraine Findlay, Pam Snyder, Dawn Beavers, Bonnie Hale, Sandy Rumbaugh, Bonnie Downing, Sherry Granger, Beverly Kimberley, Teresa Evans, Cathy Clemons, Kathy Huntrods. Row 3. Sue Adams, Kay Robinson, Marilyn Carson, Opal Kloppenborg, Linda Clemons, Karen Jacobson, Jeannette Long, Carole Earles, Kathy Hunt, Janie Lehman, Linda Tiffany, Karen Kingman, K ________ Hildebrand.

Boys Glee Club: (From the annual) Row 1. Acc. Mary Rice, Fred Altes, Dick Huntrods, Gerald Maxwell, Dennis Krausman, Greg Robinson, Dennis Holland, David Kimberley, Steve Cochran, Mike Kimberley, Mr. Groethe - Music Director. Row 2. James (Jim) Hale, J __ Huntrods, Steve Holland, Bill Hamilton, James Maxwell, Tom Morrison, Bill Christian, Mark Krausman, Jerome Evans, Dan Newman. Row 3. John Kloppenborg, Ed Carver, Larry Findlay, Jack Richeson, Richard Holland, Mike Mullihan, Terry Krausman, Lee Huntrods, Jim Lehman, Gary Pointer.

Chromatics: (From the annual) Row 1. Jean Kimberley, Barbara Oswalt, Jayne Lehman. Row 2. Greg Robinson, Carla Rhoads, Linda Tiffany, Kay Robinson. Row 3. Steve Cochran, Gary Pointer, John Kloppenborg.

Girls Sextet: (From the annual) Row 1. Jean Kimberley, Barbara Oswalt, Janie Lehman. Row 2. Carla Rhoads, Linda Tiffany, Kay Robinson.

Mixed Quartet: (From the annual) Janie Lehman, Jim Lehman, Greg Robinson, Kay Robinson.

Combo Band: Row 1. (From the annual) Dennis Holland, DaylisSmith, Gary Pointer, Greg Robinson, Acc. Chris Atwood. Row 2. Sherry Granger, Pam Luing, John Kloppenborg.

Homecoming: (From the annual) Queen Candidates - Linda Tiffany, Karen Kingman, Sherry Granger, Janie Lehman. King Candidates - Fred Altes, Dennis Krausman, Mike Rumbaugh, Gary Pointer: Karen Kingman crowned as the new Queen by sister Pat, past year's queen. Dennis Krausman crowned as the new King by past year's king, Jerry Crabb.

Librarians: (From the annual) Row 1. Ione Uitermark, Janie Lehman, Jeanette Long, Opal Kloppenborg. Row 2. Mark Krausman, Kathy Huntrods, Mrs. Johnson - Faculty Sponsor.

Letterman's Club: (From the annual) Row 1. Sandy Rumbaugh, Janie Lehman, Kathy Kingman, Linda Tiffany, Jeanette Long, Vicki Mullihan. Row 2. Fred Altes, Mary Newton, Mickey Holland, Sherry Granger, Marilyn Carson, Sheila Johnson, Stephen Richeson. Row 3. Mr. Brooks - Coach, Mike Rumbaugh, Dennis Krausman, Gary Pointer, Mr. Harvey - Coach. Row 4. Kevan Stratton, James (Jim) Hale, Lee Huntrods, Jim Lehman.

HI-LITES - (From the annual) Queen Candidates: Connie Dickel, Vicki Robinett, Pam Snyder, Barbara Hale (Queen).

SWEETHEART SWIRL: (From the annual) King - Jim Hale, Queen - Jeanette Long.

Advertising in the School Annual: (From the annual) Collins advertising ads - 26; nearby community ads - 61; Collins booster contributions - 3; nearby community booster contributions - 38. Total - 128.

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