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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Team Members: (From annual) Row 1: Roger Holland (68), Lee Huntrods (67), Dennis Krausman (65), Fred Altes (65), Gary Pointer (65), Jim Hale (67), Bill Christian (68). Row 2: Steve Holland (68), Jim Lehman (67), Mike Mullihan (68). Coach - Dale Harvey, Tom Morrison (68), Steve Cochran (68), Kevan Stratton (67), Terry Krausman (67).

SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (Non-academic) 1964-65
Voluntary Student Participation

(Source - 1965 Annual)

Dedication of Our Annual

We, the class of 1965, would like to dedicate our annual in memory of one who helped us aLong the Long ladder of success, Mrs. Marjorie Heintz. We are grateful for her guidance and devotion during her ten years of teaching at the Collins Community School.

"A teacher affects eternity: She can never tell where her influence stops."

Athletic Activities are included in date order in above narratives.

Annual Staff: (From the annual) Row 1. Mr. Brooks - Faculty Sponsor, Dennis Krausman, Linda Tiffany, Jeanette Long. Row 2. Ione Uitermark, Barbara Hale, Opal Kloppenborg, Bonnie Downing, Barbara Carver, Janie Lehman, Sherry Granger, Beverly Kimberley, Mary Newton, Karen Kingman. Row 3. James Maxwell, Stephen Richeson, Gary Pointer, Mike Rumbaugh, Fred Altes, Jerome Evans.

Optic Staff: (From the annual) Row 1. Greg Robinson, Assist. Ed.; Bonnie Downing, Editor; Mrs. Mellor, Faculty Sponsor; Sherry Granger, Sen. Class Reporter. Row 2. Barbara Carver; Ione Uitermark - News Editor; Opal Kloppenborg - Typist; Janie Lehman, Girls Sports; Karen Kingman, Music News; Linda Tiffany, Girls Sports; Beverly Kimberley, Typist; Mary Newton, Typist. Row 3: Dennis Krausman; Gary Pointer, Boys Sports; Carla Rhoads; Kay Robinson, Soph. Class Reporter; Sheila Johnson, Junior Class Reporter; Mark Krausman, Freshman Class Recorder.

National Honor Society: (From the annual) Row 1. Greg Robinson, Karen Kingman, Gary Pointer, Mary Newton. Row 2. Mr. Tayloe - Faculty Sponsor, Sheila Johnson, Janie Lehman, Bonnie Downing, Linda Tiffany, Sherry Granger, Dennis Krausman

Student Council: (From the annual) Row 1. Opal Kloppenborg, Dennis Krausman, Linda Clemons, Vicki Mullihan. Row 2. Mr. Tayloe - Faculty Sponsor, Steve Holland, Katherine Hunt, Lee Huntrods, James Maxwell, Mr. Reith - (Supt.) - Faculty Sponsor.

Band: (From the annual) Row 1. Teresa Evans, Kay Robinson, Gary Pointer, Daylis Smith, Cathy Carroll, James (Jim) Hale, Linda Williams, Katherine Hunt. Row 2. Dennis Krausman, Karen Jacobson, Janet Dickel, Lee Huntrods, Chris Atwood, Pam Snyder, Barbara Oswalt. Row 3. Karen Kingman, Marilyn Carson, Don Beavers, Joan Altes, Greg Robinson, Fred Altes, Carole Earles, Tom Morrison, M________ Anderson, Steve Holland, Dennis Holland, Mark Krausman, Jim Huntrods, Rodney Stevens. Row 4. Mr. Groethe - Music Director. John Kloppenborg, Becky Wright, Janie Lehman, Barbara Hale, John Hale.

Mixed Chorus: (From the annual) Row 1. Acc. Sheila Johnson, Kay Robinson, Marilyn Carson, Carla Rhodes, Linda Williams, Don Beavers, Barbara Oswalt, Katherine Hunt, Barbara Hale, Linda Tiffany, Janie Lehman, Katherine Kingman, Mr. Groethe - Music Director. Row 2. Jim Huntrods, Mike Kimberley, Opal Kloppenborg, Jean Kimberley, Jeanette Long, Mary Newton, Vicki Mullihan, Pam Luing, Sherry Granger, Steve Holland, Gary Pointer. Row 3. John Kloppenborg, James Lehman, Bill Hamilton, Greg Robinson, David Kimberley, Dennis Holland, Mike Mullihan, Dennis Krausman, Jerome Evans, Steve Cochran, Fred Altes, James (Jim) Hale.

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