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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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April 15, 1965 There will be no school on Fri. April 16 because of Good Friday. Important dates are coming events: Apr. 24 - Senior Class Play; May 1 - State Music Contest for large groups at Collins; 5th - Kindergarten Roundup; 8th - Junior-Senior Prom; 16th - Baccalaureate in the auditorium/gym at 8:00 p.m.; 21st - Commencement exercises at 8:00 p.m.; 25th - Awards and 8th Grade Graduation at 1:30 p.m.; 31st - Last day of school.

April 22, 1965 Collins School Faculty is complete for 1965-66 year except for 5th grade and junior high. T. J. Reith, Supt.; Mr. Altwegg, H. S. Princ.; Victor Zanona - Guidance Counselor and Commercial; Robert Graves - Science; Rosalie Mellor - English; Mrs. Fugate - French; William Brooks - Girls Coach and Typing; Dale Harvey - Boys' Coach and Math; David Maxwell - Industrial Arts and Junior High Math; Judy Johnson - Home Ec. and Junior High Science; John Groethe - Music; Elizabeth Bailey - 7th and 8th Home Room; Mrs. Vera Vasey - 6th; (open) - 5th; Myra Haas - 4th; Patricia McIntosh - 3rd; Mrs. Robinson - 2nd; Donna Ose - 1st; Ann Kern - Kindergarten. Other school personnel - Secretary - Beatrice Ogburn; Cooks - Mrs. Fred Etnier, Mrs. Dassenko, Mrs. Ruth Huntrods; Custodians - Dick Keagle, Dick Snyder; Bus Drivers - John Hickle, Wes Borts, Dick Keagle, Russ Christian, Bob Graves.

State Music Contest was held April 9 and 10 at Madrid. Collins had ten high school entries. Those bringing back ratings of I from the contest were: John Crabb - Drum Solo, Kay Robinson - Soprano Solo; Girls Sextet - Kay Robinson, Carla Rhoads, Barbara Oswalt, Linda Tiffany, Jean Kimberley, Janie Lehman.

Home Ec - The 8th and 9th grade girls have been finishing their food unit. As a final project, each kitchen planned, prepared and served a luncheon-brunch for the kitchen members' mothers. Each kitchen prepared at least one food which was served to all its members.

Grade News: 7th - In Geography we are studying the world's largest rivers and oceans. Also we each picked two states to report on. In the report we will draw the state bird, state flower, flag, tree, and place physical features on a map. We have been talking about alcohol and narcotics in health. Mrs. Johnson has asked us to read three books on this subject. Math this week consisted of learning to budget our money and the family budget. In English we are learning adjectives and adverbs.

Collins high school Baseball Schedule: April 22 Roland (H); 23 Garwin (H); 28-29 Sectional Tourney at Radcliffe; 28 Collins vs. Roland in Sectional Tourney.

Baseball - Collins played Garwin on the home diamond, losing 5-1. Gary Pointer and Roger Holland pitched. (Lineup not found)

April 29, 1965 Girls Track Meet - SEMCO relays at Gilman. The Collins team had to leave midway during the track meet in order to participate in the senior class play dress rehearsal. Placings: Karen Kingman - Long Jump - 1st; Linda Tiffany - 80 Meter Low Hurdles - 2nd; Collins team - 220 Meter Shuttle Hurdle Relay - 2nd; Collins team - 120 Meter Shuttle Hurdle Relay - 2nd; Vicki Mullihan - High Jump - 3rd.

(Note: Collins School did not have a track. They utilized/improvised the school grounds and the adjoining street for conditioning, training and practice.)

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