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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Bonnie Downing has been named Collins High School's 1965 Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow. She scored highest in a written Homemaker examination taken by senior girls in December and is now eligible for state and national honors. The state's highest ranking girl will receive a $1500 scholarship from General Mills, Inc.

Junior High News: 7th - In Geography we are studying the farmers of yesterday and today. We also receive weekly Current Events (mini-sized newspaper). Each person takes an article in it and tells the important facts to the class. We usually have tests following the reports. 8th - The boys are doing hand woodworking this semester. The Home Ec. girls are having a cooking unit. They have presented some teachers with some of their cooking.

Junior High Basketball - The last game of the season was played against Mingo on the home court. The Collins girls won 26-25. They lost to Mingo earlier on their court. The boys lost to Mingo 28-27 after defeating them earlier at Mingo. (Lineups not found)

Junior High Girls 1964-65 Basketball: (Taken from the annual) Row 1. Becky Wright, Cathy Carroll, Michelle Rhoads, J________ Chittenden, C________ Graves. Row 2. D________ Long, K________ Kimberley, L________ Pointer, Linda Carroll, Donna Rumbaugh, V________ Rhoads, Christine Atwood. Row 3. M________ Newton, P________ Mullihan, Coach - Bill Brooks, D. Franksain, E. Evans.

Junior High Boys 1964-65 Basketball: (Taken from the annual) Row 1. Gordon Carver, James Titus, John Fitzgerald, Kyle Krebs, Marvin Huntrods, J________ Hale, K________ Kimberley. Row 2. J________ Whitaker, John Evans, Coach - Dale Harvey, S________ Smith, J________ Adams, Randy Smith.

Basketball - Girls Sectional Basketball Tournament: First round - North Polk stopped Collins 56-51, ending one of the best seasons for the Clipperettes in ten years. Coach Brooks said our first half killed us, both offensively and defensively. That left Collins trailing 32-20 at halftime. Collins came back in the 3rd quarter 42-33 and continued to come back within 2 points with two minutes remaining in the game. But North Polk began the stall game and Collins was forced to foul with North Polk connecting on the free throws with the loss 56-51. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 33 pts.; Karen Kingman - 14 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 4 pts. (Lineup not found)

Girls 1964-65 Basketball Season Summary: the 1965 Clipperettes achieved their finest season in many years, 12 wins, 7 losses and second place finish in their first year of the Ta-Ma-Ja Conference. Scheduled Games - Collins girls Won LeGrand 65-57, Baxter 68-49 and 47-29, United 66-50, Maxwell 57-42 and 63-49, Garwin 44-42 and 60-54, Mingo 59-47 and 58-49, Bondurant-Farrar 62-52and 61-54. Lost Colo 61-50 and 66-63, LeGrand 70-61, SEMCO 84-55 and 67-63, Green Mountain 57-53.

Sectional Tournament: First round - North Polk 56, Collins 51.

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