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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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The Collins girls reserve team lost their game 35-23 to Bondurant. They trialed by 1 point at halftime. Pam Snyder led the scoring with 11 points. (Lineup not found)

January 28, 1965 The student council designated Friday, Feb. 5, as Dress Up Day. The students will be extra well-dressed and groomed. The student council also nominated a carnival queen candidate from each class. Other action was passing a resolution to request the student body to exercise better sportsmanship at the ball games.

Basketball - The Green Mountain girls built a 47-32 lead at three quarters, but Collins 4th quarter rally came within 4 points, losing 57-53. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 22 pts.; Karen Kingman - 18 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 11 pts.; Pam Snyder - 2 pts. (Lineup not found)

The Green Mountain boys' hot shooting took a 30-16 1st quarter lead and had a sizeable lead throughout the game with Collins losing 97-61. Roger Holland was top scorer for Collins. (Lineup not found)

February 4, 1965 School Doings - PTO Carnival date is Mar. 6. The Sociology class is planning a trip to Woodward to visit the Training School. Now that the state tests are over, we have put away our stop watches and have started back into the routine.

Basketball - Collins girls took their 1st lead with 10 seconds left in the 1st half and led throughout the 2nd half for their 11th win of the season, 60-54 over Garwin. Scoring: Vicki Mullihan - 39 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 11 pts.; Karen Kingman - 10 pts. (Lineup not found)

Collins boys trailed 19-14 at the 1st quarter, 43-24 at halftime, and Garwin added to the lead in winning over the home team 78-42. Scoring leaders: Jim Lehman - 10 pts.; Bill Christian - 9. (Lineup not found)

Thank you. The seven cheerleaders and both the girls and boys basketball teams would like to thank the parents and students for their strong support at the past several basketball games. It has helped both teams a great deal to know their town is behind them all during the games. It is hoped this strong support will follow all through the tournaments.

Sweetheart Swirl - The juniors are now starting to plan a formal dance, the Sweetheart Swirl to take place Feb. 12. All high school students and their dates are welcome with admission pRice .50 single and .75 per couple. Each class will nominate a king and queen candidate. From these eight, one girl will reign as queen and one boy as king over the evening's festivities. Everyone in high school can vote. A ballot box is set up and every penny equals one vote with the largest amount of money (votes) will be the winner. Votes will not be counted until the evening of the Swirl.

Semester Honor Roll: Seniors - Bonnie Downing, Jerome Evans, Sherry Granger, Karen Kingman, Opal Kloppenborg, Dennis Krausman, Janie Lehman, Jeanette Long, Mary Newton, Gary Pointer, Linda Tiffany. Juniors - Greg Robinson, Linda Clemons, Sheila Johnson, Pamela Luing, Carla Rhoads. Sophomores - Marilyn Carson, Mickey Holland, Lee Huntrods, Vicki Mullihan, Kay Robinson, Kevan Stratton. Freshmen - Janet Dickel, Kathryn Hunt, Barbara Oswalt.

Junior High Cheerleaders have been elected: Cynthia Cochran, JoAnn Novinger, Mary Rice, Jane Maxwell. Alternate - Laura Kimberley.

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