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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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November 26, 1964 School Conferences - Approximately 72% of high school students' parents attended the parent-teacher conferences. The attendance by parents in the elementary grades was a larger percentage as follows: Kindergarten - 14 of 17; 1st - 21 of 24; 2nd - 14 of 17; 3rd - 21 of 23; 4th - 25 of 26; 5th - 20 of 22; 6th - 30 of 32; 7th - 23 of 25; 8th - 24 of 25. A few who were unable to attend have made arrangements to attend later.

Basketball - The Clipperettes held an 11-9 1st quarter lead, but Colo poured in 21 points during the 2nd quarter, and continued the lead with Collins losing 61-50. Collins shooting percentage - 30, free throws - 16 of 29. Lineup: Karen Kingman - 17 pts.; Vicki Mullihan - 23 pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 6 pts.; Pam Snyder - 2 pts.; Jeanette Long (g); Linda Tiffany (g); Janie Lehman (g); Kathy Clemons (g); Mickey Holland (g).

The Clippers played Colo a tough competitive game, trailing only 34-32 at halftime and losing 63-60. Collins shooting percentage - 47, free throws - 18 of 29. Lineup: John Crabb - 21 pts.; Gary Pointer - 4 pts.; Lee Huntrods - 7 pts.; Bill Christian - 3 pts.; Jim Lehman - 3 pts.; Roger Holland - 5 pts.; Jim Hale - 0 pts.

December 2, 1964 Basketball - The Collins vs. LeGrand girls' game was tied 15-15 at 1st quarter mark and Collins trailed at halftime, 28-23. The Clipperettes picked up the scoring in the 3rd quarter with 23 points and 19 in the 4th for a 65-57 win over LeGrand. Collins shooting percentage - 58, free throws made - 15 of 30. Lineup: Karen Kingman - 17 pts.; Vicki Mullihan - 41pts. (18 of 26 shots); Sandy Rumbaugh - 7 pts.; Jeanette Long (g); Linda Tiffany (g); Janie Lehman (g).

The Clippers were ice cold and LeGrand was red hot with Collins trailing at halftime 58-21 and final score of 112 - 25. Lineup: Crabb, Pointer, Krausman, Huntrods, Christian, T. Krausman, Morrison, Hale, Middleton, Holland, S. Holland.

December 10, 1964 National Honor Society met on Nov. 17 with sponsor Mr. Tayloe attending; meeting called to order by president Gary Pointer; Secretary's minutes were read and the treasurer's report given with $35.65 balance. There was much discussion about qualifications for membership and a committee was appointed to check into membership qualifications. Membership is based upon scholarship plus many other leadership abilities. Members are required to maintain a B average each quarter. Present members - Bonnie Downing, Sherry Granger, Sheila Johnson, Dennis Krausman, Karen Kingman, Janie Lehman, Mary Newton (Secretary.), Gary Pointer, Greg Robinson, Linda Tiffany.

Student Council met Dec. 3 with the main topic of Homecoming. The committee for the dance was appointed. Music will be furnished by the high school combo and playing records. All alumni and parents are welcome, admission price is .25. The visiting team, Mingo, players will be admitted free and their supporters are invited to the dance.

Basketball - The Collins girls won another game, leading Baxter 31-18 at halftime and going on to victory 68-49. Lineup: Karen Kingman - 27 pts.; Vicki Mullihan - 22pts.; Sandy Rumbaugh - 11 pts.; Pam Snyder - 6 pts.; Jeanette Long (g); Linda Tiffany (g); Janie Lehman (g); Cathy Clemons (g); Mickey Holland (g), Linda Clemons (g).

The Collins boys trailed 21-15 at 1st quarter and 43-27 at halftime with loss to Baxter 74-57. Lineup: John Crabb - 17 pts.; Gary Pointer - 4 pts.; Denny Krausman - 10 pts.; Lee Huntrods - 4 pts.; Bill Christian - 16 pts.; Roger Holland - 4 pts.; Tom Morrison - 2 pts.; Jim Lehman - 0 pts.

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