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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Freshmen subjects: Required - English, Algebra or General Math, Shop or Home Ec., General Science. Optional - General Business.

High School Biology - If you had a whiff of something from the science room last Friday, it was most likely the poor wood duck that Mr. Graves executed at dawn. We had the experience of seeing the duck skinned and dissected during biology class.

Grade News - 8th: We are reviewing possessives in English. The boys in Industrial Arts are learning auxiliary views. We have been drawing the three common views and dimensions. The Home Ec. girls are completing their beautiful A-line skirts. 7th: Math - We are doing problems in area and perimeter. Science - We learned about blood cells and parts of the body. English - We have been writing sentences using the four different classes of sentences. Spelling - The ninth week exam was 100 words. 4th: We observed "United Nations" week by studying the various countries that are members. Each student chose a country and wrote interesting things about it and drew a flag of that nation. In Science we are studying the planets.

November 19, 1964 The Student Council president elected by the entire student body - Dennis Krausman. Vice Pres. - Linda Clemons. Members: Freshmen - Kathy Hunt, Steve Holland; Sophomores - Vicki Mullihan, Lee Huntrods; Juniors - Linda Clemons, John Crabb; Seniors - Opal Kloppenborg, James Maxwell. The Student Council sponsored the election of cheerleaders. Carla Rhoads, Sheila Johnson, Kay Robinson, Connie Dickel, Marilyn Carson, Sue Adams, Opal Kloppenborg, (Alternate) Joyce Middleton.

English Class: The seniors in English plus several guests attended presentation of Shakespeare's Play "Macbeth" at Iowa State University, Curtis Auditorium, Nov. 5. The play was presented by Iowa State University theatre to celebrate the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's birthday.

Grade News - 7th: We have been studying bone structure, muscles, and mainly the different organs of the body in Science.

Honor Roll (nine weeks). Seniors - Dennis Krausman, Gary Pointer, Mary Newton, Linda Tiffany, Bonnie Downing, Karen Kingman, Janie Lehman. Juniors - Greg Robinson, Sheila Johnson. Sophomores - Marilyn Carson, Mickey Holland, Vicki Mullihan, Kevan Stratton. Freshmen - Janet Dickel, Kathryn Hunt, Barbara Oswalt.

Hot Lunch Menu: Week of Nov. 23rd. Mon - Roast pork, green beans, potato chips, rolls, rice pudding, milk; Tues - Soup beans and ham, corn bread and syrup, cabbage salad, cheese slice, fruit Jell-O, milk. Wed. - Turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry relish, celery stick, ice cream bar, milk. Thursday and Friday is Thanksgiving vacation.

Freshmen News - General Science - we are learning the ways light is produced naturally and artificially. General Business - we are learning about credit and buying articles on the installment plans. English - we are studying the different ways verbs are used and also the different tenses.

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