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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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October 29, 1964 School Doins': Plans are being made for several adult education classes. Those offered will depend on the number of people interested.

Open house Monday night was well attended with a large number of people registered at the classrooms. Parent-Teacher Conference will be held November 13 with no school for the students. Conference time is 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each parent will receive a schedule for the time to visit their child's classroom. Don't forget the Junior Class Play November 14. Tickets are on sale for 272 reserve seats; adults - .65, students - .35.

November 5, 1964 School Doins': The Collins school busses inspection was held Nov. 4 at Maxwell.

The high school political election results: President - Johnson 62, Goldwater 28; Governor - Hughes - 73, Hultman - 15.

November 12, 1964 Junior Class Play "Books and Crooks" will be presented Saturday, Nov. 14 at 8:00 p.m. in the school auditorium/gym. The big love scene gets mushier and mushier every time it is practiced. If the poor principal gets dragged in and out of the closet much more, there won't be enough of him left to present in the play.

Adult Evening Classes: Those interested in enrolling in one of the following classes should contact the office of superintendent at Collins by Nov. 20. Courses offered: Basic Welding, Acetylene Welding, Soldering, Welding of Problem Metals, Plastics and Arts, Physical Culture.

Optic - Collins High School has a new paper staff for the 1964-65 school year. They will furnish the Collins Clipper newspaper with school news and special feature articles every week. Staff: Sponsor - Mrs. Mellor; Editor - Bonnie Downing; Asst.. Editor - Greg Robinson; News Editor - Ione Uitermark; Music News - Karen Kingman; Girls Sports - Janie Lehman, Linda Tiffany; Boys Sports - Gary Pointer; Class Reporters: Senior - Sherry Granger; Junior - Sheila Johnson; Sophomore - Kay Robinson; Freshman - Mark Krausman. Typists: Karen Kingman, Mary Newton, Beverly Kimberley, Opal Kloppenborg, Pam Luing.

(Insert 2007: Collins Clipper - The first issue was in July 1964 as community weekly newspaper; Hazel Dunbar is publisher with yearly rate of $2.50 or weekly rate of ten cents. Hazel Dunbar and husband moved to Collins a short-time prior to publishing the newspaper.)

Music News - On Oct. 31 the quartette and John Crabb journeyed to Des Moines for tryouts for the All-State Music Festival. Most of the singing groups are starting to work on Christmas music. The band has been working on pep band music.

Senior News - The Bookkeeping and Economic classes have been experiencing standardized tests. (These are tests sent to the school that are not made out by the local teachers.)

Freshmen News - Class officers: Pres. - Steve Holland; V. Pres. - Bill Christian; Sec'y - Jim Huntrods; Treas. - Barbara Oswalt; Fire Monitor - Mike Kimberley; Student Council Rep. - Kathryn Hunt; Class Sponsors - Mr. Zanona, Mr. Maxwell.

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