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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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July 22, 1964 New Superintendent - The Collins community welcomes Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Reith, moved to Collins from Hackensack, Minnesota, where he was superintendent of the Walker School. Supt. Reith took over duties July 1, filling the vacancy of retiring superintendent, E. E. Jackson. Mr. Reith did his undergraduate work at Northwest Missouri State Teachers College at Maryville, Missouri and received his master degree at Drake University in Des Moines. His first position as superintendent was Lehigh, Iowa in 1955. Mrs. Reith taught in grade school until last year. Mr. and Mrs. Reith have two married daughters and six grandchildren.

July 30, 1964 Supt. Reith announced a two-day workshop for all teachers in the Collins Community Schools for August 27 and 28. This is common practice in most schools and has great value for organization, routine, uniformity of practices and curriculum. One of the chief items on the agenda will be the course of study for pupils of all grades.

August 6, 1964 The fourth annual picnic of class 1945 graduates was held August 2 at the Collins park. Those attending: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Oswalt (Collins), Mr. and Mrs. Max Dodd (Colo), Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carpenter (Ames), Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pritchard (Maxwell), Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Eason (Scranton), Mr. and Mrs. Rex Beavers (Collins), Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson (Collins).

Letter to the editor - (Excerpts of letter) Mr. Paul Johnston, state superintendent of public instruction, has not given up on reorganization and our local schools are still in danger of being run by outsiders. Everyone should be alerted to the release recently put out by the state department of public instruction wherein Mr. Johnston states that "The state department of public instruction may ask for reorganization in one grand act by automatically dividing the state into specified districts."

August 20, 1964 Everything is ready and waiting for the opening of school on August 31. This will be a full day beginning at 8:30 and closing at 3:30 p.m. daylight savings time. School lunches begin on the first day and every day thereafter. The price of tickets is $5.20 per month of 20 meals, $2.60 for two weeks of 10 meals, and weekly tickets for five meals are $1.50. Extra milk will be served through the fifth grade at a cost of $.90 per semester for the afternoon milk. One carton goes with the noon mail. Pupils who wish more than one carton at noon will pay an extra $.90 per semester. The rental for textbooks is $5.00 throughout all the grades. This includes workbooks for the elementary grades through the sixth. The buses will travel the same routes and schedules as last year. The faculty for the school is complete.

Faculty: T. J. Reith - Supt.; Jack Tayloe - H. S. Princ.; Victor Zanona - Guidance Counselor and Commercial; Robert Graves - Science; Rosalie Mellor - English; William Brooks - Girls Coach and Typing; Dale Harvey - Boys' Coach and Math; David Maxwell - Industrial arts and Junior High Math; Judy Johnson - Home Ec. and Junior High Science; John Groethe - Music; Elizabeth Bailey - 7th and 8th Home Room; Mrs. Vera Vasey - 6th; Mrs. Marjorie Heintz - 5th; Myra Haas - 4th; Patricia McIntosh - 3rd; Alta Kimberley - 2nd; Donna Ose - 1st; Ann Kern - Kindergarten; Secretary - Mrs. Beatrice Ogburn. Bus Drivers: John Hickle, Wesley Borts, Richard (Dick) Keagle, Russell Christian, Robert Graves. Custodians - Richard Snyder and Richard (Dick) Keagle. Hot Lunch Cooks: Carolgene Dassenko, Darlene Etnier, Ruth Huntrods.

August 27, 1964 Hot Lunch Menu: Mon - Beefburgers, corn, carrot sticks, fruit, cake, milk; Tues. - Dried beef gravy on toast or mashed potatoes, green beans, celery or carrot sticks, brownie, milk; Wed. - Chicken pie, lettuce salad, cheez whiz sandwich, apple crisp, milk; Thurs. - Ground meat sandwich, lettuce leaf, baked beans, potato chips, Jell-O, milk; Fri. - Macaroni and cheese, Harvard beets or tomatoes, peanut butter sandwich, fruit, cookie, milk.

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