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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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The juniors will take the National Merit Scholarship tests on March 10. The juniors are planning to attend Career Day in Nevada on April 27. (Reported by Bonnie Downing)

Senior News: Seniors have been busy attending Story County court day, ordering our announcements, and deciding on our class motto, colors, and flower.

Geography - Viewing films and classroom work. English - Learning parliamentary procedure. Trigonometry - Learning how to use slide rules. Economics - Discussing current events and effects price changes have on our living. Physics - Wave motion and sound. Teacher -

Mr. Graves. Bookkeeping - Starting our practice sets and they are a little complicated.

The seniors want you to be sure to get your annual. There are only a few left. (Reported by Pat Kingman)

Freshmen Dance The evening of February 14 (Valentines Day), the freshmen gave a dance honoring the sophomore class. The dances included the Limbo, Twist, Monkey, Broom-Dance, Hully-Gully, Ladies Choice, Slow Dance and the Stomp. Everyone was very pleased with the nice stereo music. After enjoying an evening of fun and dancing everyone was served a very delicious lunch of cake and punch. The table was beautifully decorated with red net, candles, and the traditional cupid. (Reported by Sherry Granger)

General Motors Demonstration by two representatives in early January: Their topic was World of Science. They showed us how to make a very special foam rubber with the use of ammonia. The rubber would withstand the shock of being hit very hard and would also bounce a hard-boiled egg off its surface. With just the motion of air we saw how a person could be moved. They also produced a battery strong enough to run a transistor radio. We were also very fascinated with the demonstration of the jet engine. (Reported by Sherry Granger)

Kindergarten News: We have learned many things about the month of February - Lincoln's birthday is the 12th; Washington's birthday is the 22nd; Valentines Day is the 14th. We are learning to write some of our letters and also to write our numbers to 20.

Second Grade News: Several students have written about our class news. We have a new girl named Joyce Whittaker. Her brother's name is Jerry. They moved here from Maxwell. (Reported by Donna Barrett) In Reading class we do phonics. Our books are called More Friends and Neighbors. The stories I like best are "Mrs. Goose Forgets" and "The Easter Rabbit.' (Reported by Marcia Holland) For Valentines Day the 2nd grade made train cars, bird pictures, book posters and bird books. Arithmetic Class is learning to multiply and divide. We have been counting money. (Reported by Bob Robinson) We have two birthdays in our class this month; Donna Barrett's March 6 and Kerry Kimberley March 25. (Reported by Kerry Kimberley) At P.T. we play kick ball and 4-corner kick ball. We also tumble on mats. P.T. is two times each week and exercise for 15 minutes a day. We are following the R.A.F. exercise plan. (Reported by Debbie Carroll)

Third Grade News: Thirty-one class members; 12 girls and 19 boys. Reading - We are enjoying a unit called "Roads of Long Ago." This includes stories about our first president, pilgrim children, and a house raising. Social Studies - "Where we get our clothing" is very interesting. We have new books to read during this unit. They are: "The Story of Your Coat" and "About Ready-to-Wear Clothes." English - we are trying our hand at writing stories and poems. Phys. Ed - We are learning to bounce the ball and pass it. We also have relay races using the ball. We are doing some body building exercises and stunts on the mats. Arithmetic - We are learning to add and subtract larger numbers. We are working with big numbers now.

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