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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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December 20, 1963 COLLINS OPTIC (Volume 2) Continues for approximately four pages.

Optic Staff: Editor - Jerry Crabb; Assist. Editor - Bonnie Downing; News - Mary Newton; Boys' Sports - Gary Pointer; Girls Sports - Sheila Johnson; Music - Greg Robinson; Feature - Verlyn Noring, Sherry Granger; Typists - Mary Ann Evans, Patsy Kingman, Sandy Christian, Maxine Hunt, Agnes Reiter, Karol Bowers; Art - Agnes Reiter; Sponsor - Mrs. E. E. Jackson.

Calendar of Events: Basketball - Jan. 3 Gilbert (H); 7 - Gilman (H); 10 - Mitchellville (T) end of 1st semester. Jan. 13 - Audition of Music Festival; Jan. 17 - Basketball - Baxter (H) (Homecoming game); Basketball-Jan.21-Roland (H); Jan 28 - Mingo (T); Jan. 31 - Gilbert (T); Feb. 4 - Baxter (T); Feb. 7 - Mitchellville (H).

On November 13, the Collins High Honor Society had their first meeting of the year with the new members and their parents. Earlier this year officers were elected: Pres. - Maxine Hunt; V. Pres. - Patsy Kingman; Sec. - Linda Tiffany; Treas. - Gary Pointer. The new members are: Jerry Crabb, Jane Lehman, Sheila Johnson, Greg Robinson. The other members are: Mary Newton, Linda Tiffany, Dennis Krausman, Maxine Hunt, Sherry Granger, Verlyn Noring, Karen Kingman, Patsy Kingman, Gary Pointer, Bonnie Downing. Guests present for the evening ceremony were Mrs. Berle Robinson and Mrs. Bob Johnson. Faculty members attending were Mr. and Mrs. Hutchings and Mrs. E. E. Jackson. The ceremony began with the lighting of the four candles - the symbols of our National Honor Society representing - character, leadership, scholarship and service. Mrs. E. E. Jackson gave a talk on the qualities of Honor Society members and Dennis Krausman explained to the new members the value of their Honor Society pins. Each new member was given a copy of the Honor Society's constitution and their membership card. A lunch concluded the program. (Reported by Bonnie Downing)

Greetings and news from the Senior Class of CHS. Those of us who are going to college are certainly relieved that our A.C.T. tests are over. Some went to Grandview, Iowa State, and Simpson. Also recently seniors went to Future Teachers Day at various colleges. It was fun and very interesting. In literature class, we have been reading about literature of the 17th and 18th centuries. Mrs. E. E. Jackson is the teacher. (Reported by Maxine Hunt)

Junior News: The Shop boys are making parallel clamps, learning how to sharpen tools, and working on various other projects. We are slaving over our author reports in English class. The History class is learning about the early presidents and their problems. Chemistry: We are learning about various isotopes and other various items. French class is learning to tell time in the French language. We hope all had a good time at the "White Christmas Ball" and congratulations to the new queen and king. Merry Christmas everyone. (Reported by Linda Arleen Tiffany)

[Editor's note: John and Karol won. The rest of the seniors are real proud of you two. The junior class did a terrific job on the White Christmas Ball and deserves to be congratulated.]

Sophomore News: Biology - studying mental habits and glands that affect our behavior. Teacher is Mr. Graves. Literature - studying the land and people of Europe and Asia during the age of the "autocrats." Geometry - studying locus, concurrent, and theorems. Home Ec. Girls are preparing for Christmas. Their next project will be to make wool suits.

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