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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Valedictorian - Linda Atwood; Salutatorian - Nancy Kimberley. Awards: Citizenship - Galen Smith; Activities - Linda Atwood; Best Senior Athlete - Galen Smith; Story County Bar Association - Galen Smith; Scholarship Awards - Nancy Fitzgerald, Nancy Kimberley; Music Awards - Kay Novinger, Nancy Fitzgerald, Terry Huntrods, Linda Atwood (Music awards by National Society of Modern Music Masters). Other Music Awards - Glee Club and Band members. Perfect Attendance for four years - Nancy Kloppenborg, Janet Maxwell, Terry Huntrods, Sandra Christian, Opal Kloppenborg, Mary Newton, Rosemary Robertson, Jimmy Evans, James Maxwell.

The Eighth Grade was presented diplomas by Supt. E. E. Jackson. The group sang two numbers for the group. The platform was decorated with flowers and centered with a floral bouquet presented to the senior class by Mrs. Marjorie Heintz. Several out-of-town guests were present for the Class and Awards Day.

June 9, 1962 The Collins Alumni Banquet was held in the school lunchroom with about 300 attending. A delicious steak dinner was served. Classes honored: 1912 and 1937.Carnations were presented to Charles Vasey, a 70 year graduate and Mrs. Edith Stevens, a 60 year graduate. Charles Kimberly was master of ceremonies. The senior class of 1962 was introduced by Supt. Jackson. The senior class sang "Moments to Remember." A short talk was given by John Hattery, attorney of Nevada and graduate of the 1914 Collins Class. A quartet composed of Karol Atwood, Dorothy Holland, Pat Caulkins, and Earl Evans with Fran Stone at the piano sang many old songs pertaining to the years honoring the graduates. Group singing was also enjoyed. After the benediction by the Rev. Richardson, the "Lucky Seven" played for the dance

July 17, 1962 Collins population:

1900 - 540; 1910 - 521; 1920 - 570; 1930 - 489; 1940 - 516; 1950 - 435; 1960 - 432.

SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (Non-academic) 1961-62
Voluntary Student Participation
(Source - 1962 Annual)

Athletic Activities are included in date order in above narratives.

Band: (from annual) Row 1: Bonnie Hale, Linda Atwood, Charlene Laughlin, Rosemary Robertson; Kay Robinson, Lee Huntrods, Jane Leyman. Row 2: Janet D_______, Dennis Krausman, Bill Hamilton, Gary Pointer, Daylis Smith, Kathy Hunt. Rose 3: Jimmy Hale, Terry Huntrods, Jerry Crabb, Verlyn Noring, Fred Altes, Greg Robinson, Larry Thomas. Row 4: John Crabb, Sheila Johnson, Denny Holland, Jim Hale, Annette Sinnott.

Mixed Chorus: (from annual) Row 1: Janet Maxwell, Pat Kingman, Susan Kilgore, Linda Tiffany, Jane Leyman, Karen Kingman, Maxine Hunt. Row 2: Fred Altes, Linda Atwood, Nancy Fitzgerald, Sherry Granger, Kay Novinger, Barbara Carver, Sandy Christian, Judy Hale, Esther Swaim, Sharon Campbell, James Maxwell. Row 3: Dennis Krausman, Sandy J________, Judy Chittenden, Sally Coughenour, Nancy Kimberley, Bonnie H________, Jeanette Long, Bonnie Downing, Betty Downing, Nancy Kloppenborg, Opal Kloppenborg, Don Struthers. Row 4: Gary Horn, Mary Evans, Julie Beirman, Charlene Laughlin, Judy Stevens, Beverly Kimberley, Mary Newton, Lillian Thomas, Cheryle Partridge, Sue Clark.

Annual Staff: (from annual) Row 1: Cliff Dalby, Ben Carver, Nancy Kimberley, Mort Dodd, Terry Huntrods. Row 2: Sue Clark, Sandra Johnson, Janet Maxwell, Cheryle Partridge, Kay Novinger, Linda Atwood, Judy Jo Steven , Julie Beirman. Row 3: Nancy Fitzgerald, Susie Kilgore, Judy Chittenden, Connie Bowers, Sharon Campbell, LaRue Sandve, Judy Hale, Nancy Jo Fitzgerald. Row 4: George Ballard, Don Struthers, Galen Smith, Dennis Downing, Faculty Advisor - Mr. Halligan.

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