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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Coach - Richard (Dick) Cory (Collins School Graduate.)

May 22, 1962 Commencement Exercises have been set for May 29 in the storm-damaged Collins High School auditorium gym because of another auditorium is not available. Twenty-four graduates will receive diplomas as one of the largest senior class in several years. Alfred Schwartz, Dean of the Community College at Drake University will address the class. The Collins auditorium/gym is only partially repaired after being hit by a tornado two weeks ago. The roof has been restored, but the gym floor, which was flooded with rain water and subsequently swelled and buckled has not been replaced at this time. The graduates are: Linda Atwood, George Ballard, Connie Bowers, Ben Carver, Sharon Campbell, Judy Chittenden, Linda Clark, Clifford Dalby, Mort Dodd, Dennis Downing, Nancy Fitzgerald, Judith Hale, Terrence Huntrods, Sandra Johnson, Susie Kilgore, Nancy Jo Kimberley, Nancy Kloppenborg, Janet Maxwell, Kay Novinger, Cheryle Partridge, La Rue Sandve, Judy Stevens, Galen Smith, Donald Struthers.

May 24, 1962 The Collins Junior Class were hosts and hostesses to the Senior class at the "Tropical Isle" Junior Senior Banquet and Prom Saturday evening, May 19. The lunchroom had a typical South Seas air to it, also the grass hut and each one was given a lei as they entered. The 3-course ham supper was served to the group by sophomore students dresses in "Hawaii fashion." The supper was cooked by the mothers of the junior class. A dance followed the supper.

May 25, 1962 Richard (Dick) Cory of Collins announced he had accepted a position coaching boys basketball, baseball, and teaching social science at Southeast Warren high school next fall. Southeast Warren district is composed of Lacona, Liberty Center, and Milo. Mr. and Mrs. Cory have two children, a girl 4 and a boy 2.

May 27, 1962 The Baccalaureate services at the Collins Christian Church were held on May 27, with the Rev. Thomas Wooden delivering the sermon.

May 28, 1962 The senior class and their sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Hinters left Friday night by train for a weekend in Chicago.

The senior class and their mothers were the guests of honor of the C.W.F. (Christian Women's Fellowship) at the May breakfast at the Christian Church. A 2-course breakfast was served at tables centered with floral centerpieces with books of knowledge. Mrs. Jack Fertig welcomed the group and a reading was given by Ethel Halterman. Mrs. Gladys Rhodes sang a melody of songs, accompanied by Mrs. Clair Iverson. From the books of knowledge each senior read a quotation or joke to add their part to the program. Corsages were given to all the mothers of the seniors.

June 6, 1962 Class Day was held May 25 in the Collins auditorium/gym. The seniors put on a skit called "How to Apply for a Position." The cast: Terry Huntrods, Linda Atwood, Nancy Kloppenborg, Sandy Johnson, Cheryle Partridge, Sue Clark, Janet Maxwell. The senior class sang two songs, accompanied by Linda Atwood. Class will by Sharon Campbell; Class Prophesy by Janet Maxwell. The main event of Class Day was the presentation of the awards.

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