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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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May 9, 1961 Sectional Baseball Tournament: First round - Collins lost to Clemons 10-1. Collins' only tally came in the 1st inning when Galen Smith drew a walk, stole 2nd and 3rd and came home on a wild pitch. Collins' team did not have any hits and 14 batters struck out. Galen Smith pitched: Innings - 7, hits - 11, runs - 10, strikeouts - 9, walks - 3. This was the final game of the season for the Clippers with a record of six wins and five losses. (Insert 2006: Lineup not found)

Spring 1961 Baseball Season Summary: Scheduled Season Games: Collins Won - Clemons 4-3; Milford Twp 11-3; Roland 5-2; Maxwell 6-5 and 17-7; Melbourne 4-0. Lost - NESCO 7-2; Gilbert 9-1; Clemons 3-0; Melbourne 5-3.

Sectional Tourney: First round - Collins lost to Clemons 10-1.

Season Record: Won - 6, Lost - 5.

Regular Players: George Ballard (62) (p-3b); Clyde Dalby (62) (c); Jim Crabb (61) (1b); John Fitzgerald (64) (2b-ss); Jim Crabb (64) (3b-2b-p); Galen Smith (62) (ss-p); Terry Huntrods (62) (lf); Mort Dodd (62) (cf); Dick Rice (61) (rf).

Other Team Members: Ben Carver (62) (of); Verlyn Noring (64) (of).Manager - Cliff Dalby; Coach - Richard (Dick) Cory (Collins School Graduate.)

May 10, 1961 The Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom was held Saturday evening, May 6 in the lunchroom. The theme was "Gay Patee" carried out in the setting with a sidewalk caf?, a lily pool, flanked by red geraniums and a drawing of the Eiffel Tower. A three-course steak dinner was prepared by the junior class mothers. Waiters and waitresses were dressed in French dress with berets, etc. Waitresses were: Jane Dodd, Linda Carson, Sally Coughenour, Charlene Laughlin; Waiters were: Jerry Talburt, Jim Newton, Ron Tiffany, and Clyde Dalby. The welcome "Bonjour" was given by junior class president Galen Smith. The response "Bon Nuit" was given by senior class president Jim Nichol. A song was sung by several junior boys and girls and a short speech by Mr. Hinders was followed by group singing. The prom dance followed the banquet with the "Lucky Seven" providing the music. Punch and cookies were served during the evening at the "Gay Patee" sidewalk caf?.

May 22, 1961 The 21 members of the Collins graduating class marched to the strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" to begin the final phase of their school life during Baccalaureate services May 14. The Rev. J. A. Ogden delivered the sermon.

Seniors Annal Class Day was held on Wednesday, May 17. Valedictorian - Dick Rice, grade average 94.4, parents Mr. and Mrs. Mondell Rice; Salutatorian - Charlene Luing, parents Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Luing. Awards: Boys' Activities - Dick Rice; Citizenship - Jim Crabb, parents Mr. and Mrs. John Crabb; Boys' Sports - Jim Crabb; Homemaking Trophy - Patsy Kingman, parents Mr. and Mrs. John Kingman; Girls' Activities - Kathie Jones Churchill, daughter of Mrs. Virginia Jones; Girls' Sports - Ceylane Elliott, parents Mr. and Mrs. Ober Elliott. Senior Class History - Charlene Luing; Class Prophesy - Stanley Granger; Class Will - Kathie Churchill; Senior's Poem - Rosemary Cory; Comedy Quiz - Jim Crabb with seniors showing they were ready for graduation by responding with clever answers. Athletic Awards - Girls Basketball Team, Boys Basketball Team, Boys Baseball Team, Girls Softball Team; Music Awards presented; Perfect Attendance - Ten high school students, one 8th grade, and one 7th grade student. The Eighth Grade diplomas were presented by Supt. E. E. Jackson: Dennis Krausman, Gary Pointer, Bonnie Hale, Stephen Richeson, Opal Kloppenborg, Bev Kimberley, Mary Newton, Jeanette Long, Bonnie Downing, Lillian Thomas, Janie Lehman, Linda Tiffany, Cherry Granger, Karen Kingman, Rosemary Robertson, Richard Rasmusson, Douglas Barker, Michael Rumbaugh, Freddie Altes, Barb Carver, James Maxwell, Jimmy Evans. The class sang three songs to close the program.

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