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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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October 13, 1960 The Junior Class will present "The Importance of Being Young," a three-act comedy to be presented on October 21 in the auditorium/gymnasium. The action of the play takes place in Clover Cottage on the Overland College Campus. The story of Dean, played by Mort Dodd and his love for the house mother, played by Nancy Kimberley; The story of the rich young man, played by Ben Carver, who comes to the college and has to learn the give and take of college play. Others in the cast include Cliff Dalby, teenage son of the Dean and Susie Kilgore, the teenaged daughter of the house mother, who are both opposed to the marriage of their parents. College students include George Ballard, Judy Stevens, Judy Hale, Linda Atwood, Kay Novinger, Nancy Kloppenborg, Galen Smith, Judy Chittenden, and Terry Huntrods. Cheryle Partridge is the maid; Janet Maxwell is the wealthy benefactor of the college; Don Struthers is the hard-boiled slangy bodyguard of the rich student, and Dennis Downing is the police officer.

October 26, 1960 Bands and glee clubs from Gilbert, Roland, Milford Twp, NESCO, and Collins will take part in the Story County Conference Music Festival at Collins High School this Friday afternoon and evening. The musicians will meet at 12:30 p.m. to spend the afternoon practicing as a group. In the evening the mass bands and choruses will present a public concert at 7:30 p.m. The band program will include: "Coast Guards," "White Pines," "Three Little Pigs," "Deep River Rhapsody," and "Basin Street Blues." The chorus concert will include: "Hi Neighbor," "My Dream Sonata," "With a Voice of Singing," "If I Loved You," and "All Creatures of our God and King." In addition, the program will give each school an opportunity to present a short novelty number featuring musicians from their school. Collins is presenting a Clarinet Trio.

November 3, 1960 Boys and Girls Basketball Jamboree at the Gilbert gym Saturday evening. Each team will play two eight-minute quarters. Girls - Collins vs. NESCO, Boys - Collins vs. New Providence.

Hot Lunch Menu: Mon. - Chili and crackers, celery, carrot sticks, cake with topping, milk. Tues. - Mashed potatoes with pork gravy, lettuce salad, bread and butter sandwich, apple, milk. Wed. - Meat loaf, buttered corn, peanut butter sandwich, fruit, milk. Thurs. - Beef and noodles, cabbage slaw, bread and butter sandwich, cookie, orange juice, milk. Fri. - Fish sticks, buttered potatoes, cottage cheese, bread and butter sandwich, peach, milk.

November 7, 1960 Basketball Jamboree: In the evening's second girls contest NESCO began their season with a win over Collins 30-21.(Insert: Collins individual scoring totals more than the 21 points attributed in the article.) Susie Kilgore led the scoring for Collins with four field goals and 11 of 16 free throws for 19 points. Lineup: Susie Kilgore - 19 pts.; Charlene Luing - 6 pts.; third forward (?); Claretta Smith (g); Celayne Elliott (g); Rosemary Cory (g)

In the boys first contest, New Providence downed Collins 22-14. Collins trailed by one point at the first quarter mark. Lineup: Mort Dodd - 2 pts.; Galen Smith - 3 pts.; Jim Crabb - 2 pts.; George Ballard - 4 pts; Jim Nichol - 0 pts.; Stanley Granger - 3 pts.

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