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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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February 4, 1960 School News: There is a change of some courses beginning the second semester. Seventh Grade - Civics replaces Geography, Science replaces Health; Eighth Grade - Science replaces Health; High School - Psychology replaces Government for the Seniors, Sociology replaces Economics for Juniors and Seniors, English department classes are taking either English or Literature, whichever was not taken last semester. A new class, Speech, will be taught by Mr. Skinner.

Grade News: 2nd - In numbers we have been doing story problems. Many of us find we need to read more carefully. We have learned many interesting facts about the Artic region and the Antarctic region of the world. We became curious about these regions after reading our January issue of My Weekly Reader. On our next visit to the City Library we found interesting material.

February 11, 1960 Optic News Staff: Editor - Shirley Ann Kern; Assist. Editor - Dick Rice; Feature Writers - Kay Novinger, Sherry Luing, Doug Gibford; Music - Nancy Kimberley; High School News - Linda Atwood; Junior High News - Patsy Kingman; Grade News - Sally Coughenour; Girls Sports - Betty Jane Kearns; Boys' Sports - George Ballard; F.F.A. Reporter - Galen Smith; Typists - Margaretha Fitzgerald, Judy Feige, Rita Branscomb, Lois Struthers.

High School News - The Juniors have been busily working on decorations for the Junior-Senior banquet and prom. Now that the F. F. A. queen candidates have been picked, everyone is anxiously waiting for the Queens Ball on February 13. The candidates are: Margo Mead, Barb Hickle, Sharon Campbell, and Linda Carson.

Honor Society met on February 8 with eight members and one sponsor present. It was decided to sponsor a community skating party. Shirley Ann Kern, Margaretha Fitzgerald, and Duretta Phares are to take care of the publicity. We also decided the Honor Society order seals for the seniors' diplomas. For nominee to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans, we chose Thomas Edison as our nominee. Margaretha Fitzgerald told us about Lincoln, and we told anecdotes about him for the program.

February 18, 1960 Basketball - In their last regular game of the season, the Clipperettes fell at the hands of Baxter 46-18. The forwards could not seem to score. They trailed by 15 at halftime. Lineup: Sharon Bowers - 7 pts.; Charlene Luing - 4 pts.; Sally Coughenour - 1 pt.; Betty Jane Kearns (g-f) - 4 pts.; Connie Bowers - 2 pts.; Celayne Elliott (g); Claretta Smith (g); Rosemary Cory (g).

Congratulations to Margo Mead as she made a lovely petite queen at the Future Farmers of America (FFA) Queen's Ball. The candidates all looked lovely in their formal dresses. It was a close race and each class could well be proud of its candidate. The queen was presented with a bouquet of roses and a sweetheart necklace by F. F. A. president, Bob Dodd. The senior candidate, Margo Mead, was escorted to the throne by Gary Borts; junior candidate, Barbara Hickle, by Jim Nichol; sophomore candidate Sharon Campbell, by George Ballard; freshman candidate, Linda Carson, by Gary Horn.

Last Friday the sophomore Home Ec class had a Valentine Tea for their mothers. The girls enjoyed the preparation of the Tea and were pleased almost all the mothers were able to attend. The refreshment committee served a light lunch of red valentine cake, sherbet punch, nuts and valentine mints.

Music News - The sextet is very busy this week practicing for the Easter program and for the contest. We will be singing "The Holy City" and "Eternal Life."

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