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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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October 15, 1959 Grade News: 4th - We are having a daily quiz on multiplication through the fives. We are all trying to get 100% by next week. 5th - Our class is enjoying the pioneer story of "Katy Woodlawn" written by Carol Ryrie Brink. 6th - Thursday we watched "Let's Explore Science." It was about upheaval and erosion. We were told the four ways our mountains are made - upheaval, folding, faulting, and volcanic force. It also demonstrated how top soil is washed away when farmers plow up and down hills instead of around them.

Junior High News - The 7th graders have been studying the European countries and their capitols in Geography. In English we have been going through our prose and poetry books, picking out the different parts of speech. The 8th graders have been learning percentages in Arithmetic, which isn't easy.

High School News - The band made their first public appearance of this year at the Music Mothers Breakfast. Basketball practice started last Monday. The seniors had their pictures taken Friday. The Honor Society met Tuesday night in the Home Ec room.

Basketball Schedule 1959-60: Nov. 3 Gilbert (H), 7 Jamboree at Zearing, 10 Roland (H), 13 Van Cleve (T), 17 Milford Twp (H), 21 Mitchellville (T), 24 Maxwell (T). Dec. 1 Gilbert (H), 4 McCallsburg (H), 8 Colo (T), 11 Mingo (T), 18 Zearing (H), 21 Mingo (H). Jan. 5 Zearing (T), 8 Maxwell (H), 12 Milford Twp (T), 15 Jamaica (T), 18 -23 County Tourney at Nevada. Feb. 5 Rhodes (T), 12 Baxter (T).

October 22, 1959 Honor Roll points are compiled as follows: A - 8 pts.; B - 6 pts.; C - 4 pts.; D - 2 points, perfect attendance - 2 points. Twenty-four points are required for listing on the honor roll. Seniors - Margaretha Fitzgerald, Doug Gibford, Betty Jane Kearns, Shirley Ann Kern, Duretta Phares, Lois Struthers. Juniors - Celayne Elliott, Fred Etnier, Stanley Granger, Kathie Jones, Charlene Luing, Dick Rice. Sophomores - Linda Atwood, Judy Chittenden, Nancy Fitzgerald, Terry Huntrods, Sandra Johnson, Susie Kilgore, Nancy Kimberley, Janet Maxwell, Kay Novinger, Galen Smith, Judy Stevens. Freshmen - Linda Carson, Sally Coughenour, Jane Dodd, Charles Struthers, Ronnie Tiffany.

October 29, 1959 High School Notes - Friday the sophomore Home Ec girls went to Iowa State University in Ames to tour the Home Ec and interior decorating departments. We first toured the Home Ec building. Miss Navin spoke to us about a vocation of interior decorating. Girls majoring in Home Ec are required to take two courses of interior decorating. In the crafts room we looked at pewter work, woodwork, stone cutting, Mosaic dishes, and weaving. This was Homecoming weekend for I.S.U.

Basketball - Twenty boys including five lettermen reported to Coach Cory. The boys are: Seniors (1960) - Danny Long, Gary Borts, Bob Dodd (lettermen); Juniors (1961) - Jim Crabb, Jim Nichol (letterman), Mike Robinett, Stanley Granger; Sophomores (1962) - Galen Smith (letterman), George Ballard, Mort Dodd, Norman Spooner, Terry Huntrods, Ben Carver, Don Struthers; Freshmen (1963) - Gary Horn, Jerry Talburt, Buland Hennick, Bob Crabb, Vernon Hickle, Max Wolf.

School Lunch Menus - Mon. sauerkraut and wieners, mashed potatoes, carrot strips, fruit, bread and butter sandwich, milk. Tues. meatloaf, green beans, cinnamon rolls, bread and butter sandwich, milk. Wed. Maid-rites, buttered corn, celery sticks, chocolate pudding, milk. Thurs. creamed chicken on biscuits, lettuce salad, chocolate cake, milk.

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