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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Senior Class Day: The 19 seniors were in charge of the class day program with President Pat Hickle as mistress of ceremonies. Carol Downing, Jane Chittenden, Mary Ann Kearns, and Diane McVey were in charge of reading the class will, class history and class prophesy. Sharon Stratton, Pat Hickle, Jane Chittenden, Edward Smith and Gary Hanson presented a short skit of what might happen if the girls were the ones who invited boys on dates? Music numbers presented were by Mary Ann Kearns and Linda Atwood; Vocal trio of Lois Struthers, Linda Atwood, Shirley Kern. Awards Presentations - Scholastic: Gary Hanson - Valedictorian (95.853); Edward Smith - Salutatorian (95.818). Others closely following were Sharon Stratton (94.05); Mary Ann Kearns (94.00); Jane Ballard (92.94); Jane Chittenden (92.89); David Derby (92.12). Citizenship: Pat Hickle. Outstanding seniors: Mary Ann Kearns, Edward Smith. Outstanding athletes: Sharon Stratton, Jerry Dodd. Most Activities: Mary Ann Kearns. Basketball Letters presented by Coach Cory: Girls Basketball Letters - Sharon Stratton, Betty Jane Kearns, Celayne Elliott, Sharon Bowers, Claretta Smith, Charlene Luing, Rosemary Cory, Barbara Hickle, Susie Kilgore, Linda Atwood. Certificates of Participation - Elaine Kloppenborg, Gay Hudson, Linda Mullihan, Sharon Campbell, Connie Bowers. Managers -Jane Ballard, Karen Carver. Cheerleaders Awards - Pat Hickle, Mary Ann Kearns, Diane McVey, Beverly Kelderhouse. Boys Basketball Letters - David Derby, Jerry Dodd, Lawrence Horn, Gary Borts, Bob Dodd, Danny Long, Jim Nichol, Galen Smith. Merit Certificates - Jim Crabb, Stanley Granger, Mort Dodd, Norman Spooner, Mike Robinett. Managers - George Ballard, Ben Carver. Baseball Letter winners - Denny Sullivan, Jerry Dodd, David Derby, Gary Borts, Bob Dodd, Danny Long, Jim Crabb, Jim Nichol, Galen Smith, Norman Spooner, Walt Nichol. Merit Certificates - John Tiffany, Terry Huntrods, George Ballard, Ben Carver, Clyde Dalby. Manager - Terry Huntrods. State Music Contests Special Gold Medal Awards to Soloists: Div. I - John Tiffany, Mary Ann Kearns. Div II - Lois Struthers, Cheryle Partridge, Linda Atwood, Nancy Kimberley, Dick Rice, Terry Huntrods. Ensemble Ratings: Div I - Lois Struthers, Cheryle Partridge, Elaine Kloppenborg, Linda Atwood, Mary Ann Kearns, Shirley Kern (Sextet), and Mary Ann Kearns, Linda Atwood, Nancy Kimberley (Clarinet Trio). Linda Atwood, Accompanist medal. Those receiving recognition in Band, Chorus, or Both - Elaine Kloppenborg, Lois Struthers, Sharon Stratton, Beverly Kelderhouse, Kathie Jones, Sharon Campbell, Karen Carver, Judy Chittenden, Sue Clark, Celayne Elliott, Judy Hale, Sharon Hay, Gay Hudson, Helen Jacobson, Nancy Kloppenborg, Janet Maxwell, Linda Mullihan, Judy Stevens, Elaine Branscomb, Linda Atwood, Jane Chittenden, Mary Ann Kearns, Susie Kilgore, Nancy Kimberley, Betty Jane Kearns, Shirley Kern, Kay Novinger, Shirley Feige, Cheryle Partridge, Maxine Hunt, Danny Long, Ed Smith, John Tiffany, Galen Smith, Fred Etnier, Ron Etnier, Terry Huntrods, Dick Rice, Stanley Granger, Verlyn Noring, Fred Altes, Jerry Crabb. F.F.A. Award - Donald Evans. Certificate Agriculture Accomplishment - Donald Evans.

June 18, 1959 Sixty-seventh annual Alumni Banquet was held May 23. Approximately 300 enjoyed a delicious dinner prepared by Hannah Westcott, Hazel Johnson, Vinnie Cory, and Margaret Feige. C.H.S. students served. Invocation was given by Rev. Bill Ballard, Bob Titus, President, welcomed the class of 1959 and was master of ceremonies of the program. Mrs. Emma Ozmun of the class of 1892 was the oldest member attending.

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