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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Jack Shelley, WHO, Des Moines TV and radio news director will be commencement speaker on May 21. Baccalaureate service will be May 17 in the Christian church. Junior-Senior Banquet is May 9 with the senior trip to Chicago the following weekend. The annual class day is May 20, and final day of school, May 22.

May 7, 1959 The sixth grade enjoyed a trip to Des Moines. At the start of the school year we decided to pay ten cents every six weeks for dues. We saved enough money to pay our bus driver to take us to Des Moines. Our first visit was the State Office building and onto the State Capitol. Our next stop was the House of Representatives where we were introduced to the representatives. Then on to the Senate chamber. Next we saw the Governor's office and then climbed to the top of the dome. The next tour stop was the Historical building. After dinner, we traveled to the airport where a guide took us to an airplane and explained the operation of the plane. We arrived at home near 3:40 p.m.

May 14, 1959 The sixty-seventh Annual Collins Alumni Banquet will be held May 23 in the high school lunchroom. Charge per plate is $1.50. Several of our alumni have made contacts in the afternoon and evenings for selling tickets with a fairly good response. We are hoping that all alumni are interested in this association and will buy tickets to attend to help make this year's banquet a complete success. The class of '34 is being honored.

Oriental Gardens was the theme of the Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom held May 9. The red color theme was carried out in the place cards, memory books, and carnations on the banquet tables. The waiters and the waitresses, (Jim Crabb, Stanley Granger, Dick Rice, Rosemary Cory, Pat Kimberley, and Charlene Luing) wore typical oriental garb including coolie hats. After the banquet, Bob Dodd, junior class president and master of ceremonies, welcomed the seniors and other guests. The senior class president, Pat Hickle, gave the response in behalf of the seniors. Supt. Jackson also gave a short speech. Musical numbers on the program were: "Fireside Soliloquy" trombone solo by Dick Rice and piano solo "In the Oriental Garden" by Shirley Kern. Dancing began at 9:00 p.m. to the music of the Lucky Seven from Rhodes.

Graduating Seniors: Edward Smith, Sharon Stratton, Donald Evans, Gary Hanson, Ted Hudson, Sharon Clark, Donna Shinn, Jane Ballard, Jerry Dodd, Lawrence Horn, Pat Hickle, Diane McVey, Carol Downing, Mary Ann Kearns, Elaine Kloppenborg, David Derby, Jane Chittenden, Denny Sullivan, Edwin McNeill. The May 14, 1959 issue of the Collins Gazette has extensive resume of school activities of each 1959 graduating senior.

SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (Non-academic) 1958-59
Voluntary Student Participation

Athletic Activities are included in date order in above narratives.

Band: Nancy Kimberley, Jane Chittenden, Danny Long, Cheryle Partridge, Mary Ann Kearns, Edward Smith, Linda Atwood, Susie Kilgore, Shirley Feige, John Tiffany, Verlyn Noring, Jerry Crabb, Freddie Altes, Stanley Granger, Ronnie Etnier, Terry Huntrods, Dick Rice, Fred Etnier, Maxine Hunt, Kay Novinger, Shirley Kern, Galen Smith, Betty Jane Kearns. Director - Mrs. Parr.

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