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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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April 23, 1959 Honor Roll (six weeks) Seniors - Edward Smith, Jane Ballard, Gary Hanson, Elaine Kloppenborg, Jane Chittenden, Carol Downing, Pat Hickle, Mary Ann Kearns, David Derby, Sharon Clark, Ed McNeil. Juniors - Margaretha Fitzgerald, Betty Jane Kearns, Shirley Kern, Duretta Phares, Lois Struthers, Doug Gibford. Sophomores - Rosemary Cory, Kathie Jones, Charlene Luing, Fred Etnier, Stanley Granger, Dick Rice, Linda Mullihan, Gay Hudson. Freshmen - Terry Huntrods, Galen Smith, Kay Novinger, Linda Atwood, Nancy Kimberley, Sandra Johnson, Nancy Fitzgerald, Sharon Campbell, Susie Kilgore.

Senior class madea field trip to Woodward Mental Hospital. We were first met by the manager who briefed us on how the institute received its name. The head of the social service reviewed what the job of the social worker was and also how big a role the general public plays in trying to get the mentally retarded back on their feet in society. We had a tour beginning with children ages six to nine with mental capacity averaging about 27. We also saw the community house or as we know it, the gym. The school has both girls and boys basketball teams. Dances are held every Thursday night for the older and more advanced. Religious training is held five days per week including all types of religion. We visited classroom of children ages nine to fourteen who have learning ability with I.Q. of around 50 if they are taught correctly. The last part of the tour was visiting the canteen and handicraft classes. The canteen resembled our own grocery store where the student may buy anything as long as they have the money which is usually supplied by family or friends.

For the past several weeks the girls P.T. class has been playing a series of volleyball games under the supervision of Coach Cory. As captains Sharon Stratton, Nancy Kimberley, Betty Jane Kearns, and Connie Bowers, chose teams of 12 girls each. A round-robin style is used, which enables each team to play the other three.

Members of the CHS Student Council attended the State Convention in Des Moines at Drake University on April 16. Students attending - Cheryle Partridge, Linda Atwood, Jerry Hudson, Stanley Granger, Bob Dodd, and Beverly Kelderhouse, and accompanied by Supt. Jackson. Over 300 high school students attended this convention. The program: Pres. of the district student council gave a speech which was most interesting as he is also a teenager. There were nominations for district officers and near all of them had campaign managers who gave two-minute speeches. Voting followed. After lunch there were eight discussion groups with each group discussing several topics pertaining to the theme, "What is our place in society?" After discussion groups concluded, the new officers elected were installed.

Twelve couples from Collins attended the Annual Senior Ball in Marshalltown on Saturday, April 15. Seniors throughout central Iowa were invited to the ball by the Marshalltown chamber of commerce. Dancing was from 8:30 - 11:30 in the Marshalltown coliseum to the music of Ralph Zarnow and his band. From 9:00-9:30 p.m. a live radio radio broadcast was made from the Coliseum Ball. Those attending had an enjoyable evening and thank those responsible for sponsoring the event.

April 30, 1959 Music News - Those who received first ratings at the State Music Contest held at Albion last Saturday are: Mary Ann Kearns - Clarinet; John Tiffany - Cornet solo; Clarinet trio - Mary Ann Kearns, Linda Atwood, Nancy Kimberley; Girls sextet - Lois Struthers, Cheryle Partridge, Elaine Kloppenborg, Linda Atwood, Shirley Kern, and Mary Ann Kearns. Those with second ratings: Lois Struthers - Treble high voice; Cheryle Partridge - Treble high voice; Dick Rice - Trombone solo; Terry Huntrods - Trombone solo; Linda Atwood - Clarinet solo; Nancy Kimberley - Clarinet solo. We in the music department would like to thank all those who attended our concerts during the past two weeks. Our last event of the year will be the band and choral contest at Baxter May 1 and 2.

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