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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Honor Society meeting was called to order, Shirley Kern took roll call and each person answered with a suggestion for improving our club. Mrs. Jackson suggested we have an open house for parents and it was suggested we have a special meeting for the seniors who will be graduating. The club took a vote and decided to have a panel discussion. Edward Smith is head of the committee to find the subject to discuss. The activity for the evening was a spelling bee and then a quiz. Meeting adjourned.

Music News - The vocal music department has received an invitation to appear on the "Bill Riley Time" program over K. R. N. T. - TV. The girls sextet has set two dates they are available for an appearance, and it is hoped one of these will be chosen. Three high school students -Shirley Ann Kern, Linda Atwood, and Dorothy Kay Novinger have been selected to accompany the grade school students to the grade school contest in Indianola on March 7.

Boys Basketball Season Summary: (Won - 10; losses - 10.Non conference games: Won 7; Lost 1.) Collins Won: Shipley 49-45; Maxwell 28-27; Gilbert 48-46; Colo 49-29; Mingo 46-32; Mingo 38-36; Zearing 53-33; Mitchellville 53-52; Mitchellville 39-27; Rhodes 40-38. Collins Lost: Gilbert 30-28; Roland 74-35; Shipley 58-37; Milford Twp 64-37; McCallsburg 53-46; Zearing 41-37; Milford Twp 64-41; Baxter 63-51. County Tourney lost to Milford Twp 49-28. Sectional Tourney Lost to Van Cleve 56-52. Collins total points = 831; Opponents = 925.

Usual Game Players: Danny Long (60) (f) 226 pts.; Jerry Dodd (59) (f) 177 pts.; Gary Borts (60) (g) 110 pts.; David Derby (59) (f-c) 104 pts.; Jim Nichol (61) (g) 91 pts.; Bob Dodd (60) (f) 69 pts.; Galen Smith (62) (g) 41 pts. Other game players: Mort Dodd (62) (f) 8 pts.; Stanley Granger (61) (g) 4 pts.; Norman Spooner (f) 3 pts.; Lawrence Horn (59) (c) 2 pts.; Mike Robinett (60) (g); Jim Crabb (60) (c). Graduating seniors: Jerry Dodd, David Derby, and Lawrence Horn. Managers - Ben Carver and George Ballard. Coach - Richard Cory, Collins School Graduate - 1950.

Girls Basketball Season Summary: Season did not have an outstanding record; offensive average - 33 pts.; defensive average - 50 points (Insert 2006: Won-lost record not found) This was a young team with the majority sophomores and freshmen. Sharon Stratton was elected team captain.

Usual starting lineup: Sharon Stratton (59) (f) 194 pts.; Susie Kilgore (62) (f) 341 pts.; Charlene Luing (61) (f) 75 pts. and Barbara Hickle (61) (f) 68 pts., alternated; Betty Jane Kearns (60) (g); Celayne Elliott (61) (g); Claretta Smith (61) (g). Other game players: Sharon Bowers (61) (post forward) 16 pts.; Sharon Hay (62) (f); Rosemary Cory (61) (post guard); Linda Atwood (62) (g); Sharon Campbell (62) (g); Margaretha Fitzgerald (60) (g); Linda Mullihan (61) (g); Cheryle Partridge (62) (g); Connie Bowers (62) (g); Nancy Fitzgerald (62) (g); Gay Hudson (61) (g). Graduating senior: Sharon Stratton. Chaperone - Mrs. Phares. Managers - Karen Carver and Jane Ballard. Coach - Richard Cory, Collins School Graduate - 1950.

Cheerleaders: Mary Ann Kearns, Pat Hickle, Beverly Kelderhouse, Diane McVey.

March 5, 1959 Grade News: 6th - In English we have been studying about subjects and predicates and how to use the dictionary. The weather committee is putting up the chart for March which came in like a lamb, but is roaring like a lion this morning. 4th - Mrs. Phares finished reading to us the story "Corn Farm Boy." We are enjoying "All Aboard for Alaska." We are having daily multiplication quizzes and are now having 50 problems over the first five combinations.

March 12, 1959 At the Annual School Board Election for board member and treasurer, 112 votes were cast. For board member, Richard Holland received 74 votes to succeed Thayer Derby. G. L. Kimberley received 100 votes for re-election to the office of treasurer. Mrs. O. N. Serbein is board secretary.

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