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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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M.A.K. Facts - That roar you heard Friday night was the sighs of relief coming from the juniors and Mrs. Jackson after the class play. Congratulations to all of you for such a nice evening of fun and comedy. The class presented Mrs. Jackson a gift and extended their thanks for her help. Also thanks to Joyce Corpian for music provided between acts that included: Clarinet quartet - Mary Ann Kearns, Linda Atwood, Nancy Kimberley, Jane Chittenden; Girls sextet - Lois Struthers, Cheryle Partridge, Elaine Kloppenborg, Linda Atwood, Shirley Kern, Mary Ann Kearns; Piano solo - Betty Jane Kearns.

Another Key to Success: You never stumble on anything good while sitting down.

November 6, 1958 F.F.A. corn plot - The boys have nearly two acres of corn in their test plot located in the northwest corner of John Crabb's farm. The same corn was planted on May 16th except for different fertilizer applications. Results: Check plot - 86 bu/per acre; 12 - 12 -12 fertilizer - 133 bu/per acre; 33-0-0 fertilizer - 105 bu/per acre; 0-45-0 fertilizer - 86 bu/per acre.

Music News: The J.D.'s made their first public appearance at the F.F.A. Harvest Ball. They are a group from the high school music department. Pep band members were chosen. They will perform at all home basketball games and will help the cheerleaders in their cheers. Members of the Variety Show are beginning their work for the selections to be played at the end of this month.

Basketball Schedule (Boys and Girls): Nov. 6 Gilbert (H); 11 Roland (T); 14 Shipley (T); 18 Milford Twp (H); 21 Shipley (H); 25 Maxwell (T). Dec. 2 Gilbert (H); 5 McCallsburg (T); 9 Colo (H); 12 Mingo (T); 19 Zearing (T). Jan. 2 Mingo (H); 6 Zearing (H); 13 Milford Twp (T); 16 Mitchellville (T). Feb. 3 Mitchellville (H); 6 Rhodes (H); 10 Van Cleve (T); 13 Baxter H). Season tickets - Adults (10 games) $3.50; Students $1.50. Single games - Adults $.50; Students $.25.

November 13, 1958 The Student Council meeting was held Monday. Elected officers are: Pres. - David Derby; Vice Pres. - Pat Hickle; Sec.-Treas. - Linda Atwood. The purpose of the student council is to promote better citizenship in our school and to stimulate and use student public opinion for the good of all.

Basketball News - The Clipperettes lost to Gilbert in their opening game of the season 54-21. Collins trailed by only four points at the end of the first quarter. Celayne Elliott sprained her ankle. Lineup: Sharon Stratton 4 pts.; Charlene Luing 4 pts.; Susie Kilgore 13 pts.; Barbara Hickle (f) 0 pts.; Sharon Hay (f) 0 pts.; Connie Bowers (f) 0 pts.; Betty Jane Kearns (g); Celayne Elliott (g); Claretta Smith (g); Linda Atwood (g); Rosemary Cory (g); Margaretha Fitzgerald (g).

The boys were defeated in a close game 30-28. Collins boys made two of eight free throws, Gilbert made eight of thirteen. Lineup: David Derby 4 pts.; Jerry Dodd 2 pts.; Danny Long 14 pts.; Jim Nichol 4 pts.; Galen Smith 4 pts.; Bob Dodd 0 pts.; Gary Borts 0 pts.

The Collins girls were defeated by a very good Roland team 100-28. Sharon Stratton had 17 points for Collins. The boys also dropped their game 74-35. Danny Long had 11 points for Collins.

November 20, 1958 The second regular meeting of the Collins Adult Evening School will be held Tuesday night. There are classes for the men and for the women. The men's class topic is Soil Management - Soil Testing, Fertilizing, and Liming. The ladies' class is Christmas Decoration and Arrangement.

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