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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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October 16, 1958 First Six Weeks Review: Typing - the 17 typing students have learned the keyboard and several techniques of typing. Shorthand - the alphabet and brief forms have been mastered. Dictation is now taken at 50 words per minute. General Business - business environment has been studied and a field trip was taken to the local bank. Business Law - contracts have been the principal topic. Science class - has studied molecules, atoms, matter, and chemical energy. World History - completed study of the ancient world up to the time of the Roman Empire. Government - covered development of our government and legislative powers. Algebra - have been working equations and formulas. Geometry - working with angles, triangles, and the proofs of theorems. Bookkeeping - learning to make entries in a journal, how to post a ledger, and to make a trial balance. English (9th) - includes home, school and community citizenship, as well as manners in forming good study and personal habits. We have also completed units on simple sentences, punctuation, capitalization, plurals, and possessiveness of nouns. English (10th) - have completed a unit called, "Knowing What to Do and Say;" Parts of speech, sentence structure, and punctuation. Also oral and written book reports. English (11th) - American Literature, have covered the Colonial Period. Students are also working on the Junior Class play. English (12th) - English Literature covering chapters over Anglo-Saxon life and literature. Literature and History are connected. Home Ec (9th) - have been canning, freezing, and sewing. Home Ec (10th) - have been making jams, jellies, reviewed canning and freezing. Also studied home care of the sick on the does and don'ts of first aid.

Girls Basketball Previews - The four seniors and juniors are outnumbered by the 23 freshmen and sophomores. Those participating: Seniors (1959) - Sharon Stratton; Juniors (1960) - Margaretha Fitzgerald, Margo Mead, Betty Jane Kearns; Sophomores (1961) - Celayne Elliott, Charlene Luing, Claretta Smith, Rosemary Cory, Linda Evans, Patty Kimberley, Linda Mullihan, Sharon Bowers, Barbara Hickle, Gay Hudson, Sherry Luing, Helen Jacobson; Freshmen (1962) - Nancy Kimberley, Nancy Fitzgerald, Shirley Feige, Cheryle Partridge, Susie Kilgore, Sandra Johnson, Linda Atwood, Connie Bowers, Sharon Hay, Sharon Campbell. Managers - Jane Ballard and Karen Carver. The Conference Jamboree is at Zearing, Nov. 1. The girls will play one quarter against Zearing and the boys will play one quarter against Clemons.

October 23, 1958 Honor Roll: Seniors - Edward Smith, Jane Ballard, Gary Hanson, Sharon Stratton, Elaine Kloppenborg, Jane Chittenden, Carol Downing, Pat Hickle, Mary Ann Kearns, David Derby. Juniors - Margaretha Fitzgerald, Betty Jane Kearns, Beverly Kelderhouse, Shirley Kern, Duretta Phares, Lois Struthers, Bob Dodd. Sophomores - Rosemary Cory, Kathie Jones, Charlene Luing, Fred Etnier, Stanley Granger, Dick Rice. Freshmen - Terry Huntrods, Galen Smith, Kay Novinger, Linda Atwood, Nancy Kimberley.

Boys Basketball Previews - Seventeen boys are participating, five of them are lettermen. Only three players are six foot tall. Richard Cory has said for every game that either the boys or girls lost, they would have to buy him a new tie, but for every game that they won, they could cut the tie off that he was wearing, right below the knot. Players - Lawrence Horn (59), David Derby (59), Jerry Dodd (59), Gary Borts (60), Bob Dodd (60), Ronald Etnier (60), Danny Long (60), Jim Nichol (61), Jim Crabb (61), Stanley Granger (61), Mike Robinett (61), Galen Smith (62), Mort Dodd (62), Ben Carver (62), George Ballard (62), Norman Spooner, Terry Huntrods (62).

October 30, 1958 Collins F. F. A. Chapter is sponsoring a Harvest Ball Friday evening in the school lunchroom. All high school students and their guests are invited to have an evening of fun and dancing. Admission will be 35 cents per person or 50 cents a couple. Music during the first half of the evening will be provided by the J. D.'s

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