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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Subjects: Freshmen - English IX*, General Science*, Home Economics I* or Agriculture*, Algebra*; Sophomores - English X*, World History*, Geometry, Business Training, Home Economics II, Agriculture; Juniors - English XI*, American History*, Typing, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Algebra II, Physics, Agriculture; Seniors - English XII*, Government,* Bookkeeping, Algebra II, Physics, Business Law, Agriculture. *Denotes required subject.

Enrollment: A large freshmen class of 29 upped the enrollment of high school students at Collins to 91 this fall. The kindergarten class is also large with 35 youngsters starting the year. Total enrollment in Collins Consolidated School is 306 to date.

September 11, 1958 Baseball - Collins came up on the short end of a 9-7 score against Rhodes. Denny Sullivan pitched for Collins and Jim Nichol led the hitting with two hits:

Sectional tournament will be held in Collins on September 13, 15, and 17. First round games - Rhodes vs. Shipley; Van Cleve vs. Zearing; Collins vs. Huxley.

Class Officers: Freshmen - Pres. - Cheryle Partridge; V. Pres. - Nancy Jo Kimberley; Sec. - Susie Kilgore; Treas. - Terry Huntrods; Student Council - Linda Atwood. Soph: Pres. - Jerry Hudson; V. Pres. - Jim Nichol; Sec. - Jim Crabb; Treas. - Walter Nichol; Student Council - Stanley Granger. Juniors: Pres. - Bob Dodd; V. Pres. - Lois Struthers; Sec. - Shirley Kern; Treas. - Ronnie Etnier; Student Council - Beverly Kelderhouse. Seniors: Pres. - Pat Hickle; V. Pres. - Jerry Dodd; Sec. - Diane McVey; Treas. - Denny Sullivan; Student Council - David Derby.

F.F.A. Officers - Pres. - Donald Evans; Vice Pres. - James Nichol; Sec. - Bob Dodd; Treas. - Jerry Dodd; Reporter - Ron Robinett; Sentinel - Walter Nichol.

Music News - Sixty students have enrolled in mixed chorus. In the instrumental field there will be senior, junior, and beginners' band. Also will be a pep band as well as a German band and the possibility of a dance band. There will be tryouts for solos, duets, trios, quartets, and sextets. Officers elected for vocal and instrumental departments - Vocal: Pres. - Lois Struthers; Vice Pres. - Shirley Kern; Sec.-Treas. - Diane McVey; Librarian - Jane Chittenden. Band - Pres. - John Tiffany; V. Pres. - Dick Rice; Sec.-Treas. - Edward Smith; Librarian - Doug Gibford.

Assembly Program - Southwestern Vacationland was presented by Dale Doore. He presented a movie showing interesting sights - Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and other states in the southwest. Some highlights - Tombstone, Arizona; White Sands of New Mexico; Painted Dessert; Grand Canyon; Zion National Park; and Bryce Canyon National Park. Each year Mr. Doore presents his travelogue to approximately 300 schools throughout the Midwestern States.

M. A. K. Facts - As we came into study hall Monday morning, we found new seating arrangements. Instead of keeping grades together, we are seated by members of each grade.

Among the new teachers this year at C. H. S. is Richard Cory, new coach and Social Studies director. Coach Cory was born July 1932, graduated Collins High in 1950, attended Boone Junior College for two years, and two years at Simpson College to earn a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Studies. He has a Physical Education major and English and Social Studies minor degrees. His hobbies include all sports and other activities centered around school activities. Mr. Cory is married and has a six-month old daughter, Lori.

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