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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Semester Honor Roll: Freshmen - Fred Etnier, Stanley Granger, Charlene Luing, Dick Rice, Kathie Jones. Sophomore - Betty Jane Kearns, Shirley Kern, Lois Struthers, Bob Dodd. Junior - Jane Ballard, Jane Chittenden, Mary Ann Kearns, Sharon Stratton, Gary Hanson, Sharon Clark, Pat Hickle, Edward Smith, Elaine Kloppenborg. Senior - Georgiann Briles, Dorothy Hand.

July 10, 1958 Annual Financial Statement of School District of Collins - June 30, 1958: Schoolhouse Fund Balance - $26,992; General Fund Balance - $56,227; Disbursements - Salaries: E. E. Jackson - $5910; Robert Graves - $5000; Kenyon Bell - $2776; Charles Burnett - $2000; Leota Burton - $3550; Miriam Jackson - $3720; Tom Kenaley - $4750; Larry Miller - $2500; Vera Vasey - $2160; Marjorie Heintz - $3030; Dorothy Burnett - $2500; Anna Meeker - $3115; Alta Kimberley - $2370; Nancy Fitzgerald - $2370; Amelia Buck - $2970. Bus drivers: Wes Borts - $720; Lloyd Campbell - $720; Fred Elliott - $765; Dick Keagle - $765; D. O. Luing - $765. Custodian, Richard Snyder - $4112. School Secretary, Mrs. O. N. Serbein - $1180.

July 31, 1958 The Story County Board of Education announces a graphic illustration towards the forming of a plan for school district reorganization of Story County. Proposed for a long-range goal of reorganization are two administrative units, one west and one east as identified on the map. Area 5 - Southeast including all of Collins, Colo, Maxwell, and part of Fernald with an area of 170 square miles.


August 14, 1958 Collins Consolidated School opens Sept. 1. Faculty: Carol Davis - Kindergarten;* Nancy Fitzpatrick - 1st; Alta Kimberley - 2nd Mrs. Anna Meeker - 3rd; Dorothy Phares - 4th*; Mrs. Marjorie Heintz - 5th; Mrs. Vera Vasey - 6th; Larry Miller - 7th and 8th Home Room and Coach; Joyce Corpian* - Music; Robert Graves - Voc. Ag. and Physics; Mrs. E. E. (Miriam) Jackson - English and Class Plays; Jane Reeve * - Home Ec., Science, and Biology; Richard Cory* - Athletic coach and Soc. Sci. (History and Gov.); Glennus Hinders*- H. S. Prin. and Commercial (Typing, Bookkeeping, and Gen. Bus.); E. E. Jackson - Supt., and Math (Algebra and Geometry). *New faculty members this year. School buses will run about the same routes as last year. Hot Lunch will be served with the charge of $1.25 per week. Textbook rentalwill be $3.00 per year. There has been much repair work done on the building and grounds and new furniture has been added in some rooms, with new textbooks in several courses. Pupils must be five years old by Nov. 15 to enter the kindergarten.

August 28, 1958 Scores of the National Merit Scholarship Tests taken by nine Collins High School juniors last April were received by Supt. Jackson. The tests were on English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Natural Science, and Word usage. Scoring on a percentile basis, the highest average total on the tests of the C.H.S. juniors was 99. The lowest score was 72, which is good considering this means the score is better than 72% of the people who took the test. Taking the tests were Jane Ballad, Jane Chittenden, David Derby, Carol Downing, Gary Hanson, Mary Ann Kearns, Diane McVey, Edward Smith, and Sharon Stratton.

September 4, 1958 Optic News Staff: Editor - Mary Ann Kearns; Assist. Editor - Shirley Kern; Feature Writers - Edward Smith, Charlene Luing, Douglas Gibford; Music - Nancy Kimberley; Junior High News - Jane Dodd; Grade News - Linda Atwood; Sports Editors - Betty Jane Kearns, Ronnie Etnier; Typists - Sharon Stratton, Carol Downing, Sharon Clark.

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