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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Encouragement in High School - How much opportunity and encouragement does one receive from our high school? It seems the curriculum is designed for the average or below average students (this is the purpose of American education), but some provision should be made for those who can and want to progress beyond this set standard. There should be a system available for these students after the required work is satisfactorily completed. In this way, school facilities could be used to better educate the students. Without said system many students are being in part wasted. Too much of their potential productivity time is being used for so-called "busy work." This time could be used to better advantage, it is merely being wasted. Until such system transpires, we will proceed with our program, which forces mediocrity by not allowing progress beyond the set standard. ~ Edward Smith

May 29, 1958 Annual Class Day held on May 25. The program was opened by the Senior Skit. This two-act skit was entitled "Sally and the Villian" The plot involved Verlie Etnier and her kid sister, Saundra Smith. The skit was filled with laughs and was performed very well by the cast. The seniors completed their afternoon activities with vocal solo by Darwin Luing, the reading of Class History by Danny Branscomb, the Class Prophesy read by Georgiann Briles and Dorothy Hand.

Scholastics: Dorothy Hand and Georgiann Briles share the honor of valediction this year with identical 93.4% averages.

Citizenship award: Pat Fitzgerald;

Athletic Awards: Girls Basketball - Saundra Smith (Captain), Georgiann Briles, Dorothy Hand, Betty Jane Kearns, Sharon Stratton, Celayne Elliott, Linda Horn, Rosemary Cory, Charlene Luing; Boys Basketball - Gordon Smith (Captain), Pat Fitzgerald, Darwin Luing, David Derby, Danny Long, Bob Dodd, Jim Nichol; Track - Pat Fitzgerald, Darwin Luing, Danny Long, Bob Dodd, Ronnie Robinett; Baseball - (Insert 2006: News article omitted letter awards for unknown reason. Players most regularly appearing in lineup: Gary Borts (60), Pat Fitzgerald (58), Denny Sullivan (59); Jim Nichol (61), Walt Nichol (61), Bob Dodd (60), Jerry Dodd (59), Darwin Luing (58), David Derby (59), Gordon Smith (58), Danny Long (60), Dick Rice (61). Best Senior Athletes - Georgiann Briles and Pat Fitzgerald. Music Awards: Seniors receiving monograms - Sharon Kelderhouse, Darwin Luing, Georgiann Briles, Dorothy Hand, Verlie Etnier. Receiving chevrons - Mary Ann Kearns, Edward Smith, Jane Chittenden, John Tiffany, Douglas Gibford, Ronnie Etnier, Shirley Kern, Elaine Kelderhouse, Sharon Stratton, Elaine Kloppenborg, Margo Mead, Margaretha Fitzgerald, Beverly Kelderhouse, Lois Struthers, Dick Rice, Kathie Jones, Diane McVey, Judy Feige, Linda Horn. Students receiving medals for high ratings in State Music Contest - John Tiffany, Mary Ann Kearns, Darwin Luing.

Eighth Grade Sports Awards: Girls Basketball - Susie Kilgore, Sharon Hay, Judy Stevens, Jane Dodd, Linda Atwood, Nancy Kimberley, Connie Bowers, Cheryle Partridge, Sharon Campbell, Shirley Feige, Kay Novinger. Boys Basketball Squad Members - Mort Dodd, George Ballard, Ronnie Maxwell, Norman Spooner, Clyde and Clifford Dalby, Terry Huntrods, Ben Carver, Gary Horn, Craig Whitaker (Mgr.).

F.F.A. Award - Pat Fitzgerald.

The program was closed with a song by the eighth grade accompanied by Kay Novinger and presentation of their awards by Supt. E. E. Jackson.

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