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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Senior Personality Gordon Smith. His Favorites: Subject - Agriculture, Color - Chartreuse, Food - Tenderloin, Actor - Rock Hudson, Actress - Jayne Mansfield.

Last Friday the sixth grade enjoyed a trip to Des Moines, visiting several sites: Historical Building, Capitol, Traveling Library, Airport, WHO Radio and TV Studio.

April 17, 1958 Baseball The team won their second game of the season over Farrar, 7-6. The boys had their work cut out for them when Farrar pulled ahead 5-0 in the first inning. Gordon Smith was the pitcher. Lineup: Gary Borts 2 hits; Pat Fitzgerald 2 hits; Jim Nichol 2 hits; Walt Nichol 0 hits; Denny Sullivan 1 hit; Gordon Smith 0 hits; Danny Long 1 hit; Darwin Luing 1 hit; Jerry Dodd 1 hit; David Derby 0 hits; Bob Dodd 1 hit.

The boys suffered their first season loss to Huxley 12-1. Gordon Smith was the losing pitcher. Collins collected 3 hits.

Senior Personality Saundra Smith. Her Favorites: Sport - Basketball, Color - Blue, Subject - Economics, Actor - Alan Ladd, Actress - Doris Day, Food - Apple Pie.

April 24, 1958 Collins baseball boys lost to Maxwell 12-1. They came back to win over Slater on their diamond, 6-3. Jerry Dodd was the winning pitcher. Collins had 4 hits. (Insert 2006: Lineups not found)

Senior Personality Darwin Luing. His Favorites: Subject - Economics, Sport - Baseball, Color - Lavender, Food - Steak, Actor - Rock Hudson, Actress - Elizabeth Taylor, Pastime - Singing.

May 1, 1958 Agriculture - Last Friday all the sophomore and freshmen boys taking agriculture took a trip to Waterloo, visiting Rath Packing Company in the morning and John Deere Tractor works in the afternoon. John Crabb, Milo Dodd and Mr. Graves provided cars for the trip. At the Rath Plant, we saw how they made and packaged wieners, dried beef, and other varieties of packaged meat. We also saw the cattle laid on the conveyor and cut into the different cuts of meat. We also saw similar action with hogs and sheep. The meats are cooled at 36 degrees for 24 hours. At the John Deere Company, they make four sizes of tractors with an assembly line for each size. We started at the assembly line where the tractors started with the crank case and eventually developed into an operating tractor. All along the assembly line were men and women having one thing to do to each tractor. The tractors, after being tested, painted and inspected, were driven to the storage area for later shipment.

The Collins Alumni Association decided to hold the Alumni Banquet on May 24. It will be a basket dinner at 7:00 and a dance at 9:00 in the high school lunchroom. No invitations will be mailed. To pay expenses of the banquet, there will be a small charge of fifty centers per person. The following are serving on committees to make this banquet: Mrs. Otis Huntrods, Mrs. Roger Mather, Mrs. Richard Holland, Mrs. John Crabb, Mrs. John Kingman, Mrs. Mondell Rice, Mrs. Cyril Lengeling, Mrs. Ben Caulkins, Mrs. Don Pointer, Dick Long, Jim Anderson, Rex Beavers, Charlie Fish, Earl Evans, Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stratton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Atwood.

Senior Personality Georgiann Briles. Her Favorites: Subject - Bookkeeping, Sport - Basketball, Color - Pink, Food - Tenderloin, Actress - Debbie Reynolds, Actor - Jeff Chandler, Pastime - Sewing.

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