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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Usual starting players: Gordon Smith (58) (f) (126 pts., 6.8 apg.); Danny Long (60) (f) (183 pts., 8.7 apg.); David Derby (59) (c) (82 pts., 4.1 apg.); Jim Nichol (61) (g) (143 pts., 6.8 apg.) Pat Fitzgerald (58) (g) (92 pts., 4.3 apg.). Usual substitutes: Darwin Luing (58) (f) (62 pts., 3.6 apg.); Bob Dodd (60) (g) (19 pts., 2.4 apg.). Other team members: Lawrence Horn (59); Jerry Hudson (61); Stanley Granger (61); Dick Rice (61); Ronnie Etnier (60); Jim Crabb (61). Manager - Fred Etnier. Coach - Charles Burnett. Graduating seniors: Gordon Smith, Pat Fitzgerald, Darwin Luing.

Cheerleaders: Pat Hickle, Verlie Etnier, Beverly Kelderhouse, Mary Ann Kearns.

March 6, 1958 The school lunchroom, beautifully decorated in red and white, was the scene of the Annual F. F. A. Ball Saturday evening. Most of the girls wore formals this year which added a bright color to the festivities. Pat Hickle, the candidate of the junior class, received the highest number of votes and was crowned queen of the ball. Other candidates were Dorothy Hand - senior; Beverly Kelderhouse - sophomore.; Charlene Luing - freshman. All the girls wore corsages, which were gifts of the F.F.A. The girls were escorted to the platform by a member of their own class; Pat Fitzgerald - senior, Jerry Dodd - junior, Bob Dodd - sophomore, and Jim Nichol - freshman. The queen was presented with a dozen roses and will receive a pearl pendant necklace. Refreshments of punch and cupcakes were served.

Grade News: 6th - We have finished our question-answer board that we made in Science while we were on the unit of electricity. In English we gave oral reports on Abraham Lincoln's life since it was his birthday. It made us feel that he was one of the great heroes of our country.

Tuesday evening is the date of the Annual Athletic Dinner honoring the coach, basketball teams, baseball team and track teams. It is a covered dish dinner. Bring your own service, sandwiches, and covered dishes. The teams have furnished entertainment. Let us show them we appreciate all their efforts.

March 13, 1958 The annual school election was held March 10. Laurence Dodd received 200 votes and Berle Robinson received 168 votes. They will replace Grainger Buck and L. D. Holland whose terms expired this month. L. D. Holland did not seek re-election. (Insert 2006: L. D. Holland was first elected to the Board in 1934 and served twenty-four consecutive years until the final term expired this month. This is the Longest number of years of school board service.)

Honorary Society - The Collins Honor Society has been organized by 13 charter members; those who had no grade below 90% for the semester. They are: Charlene Luing, Fred Etnier, Dick Rice, Shirley Kern, Duretta Phares, Betty Jane Kearns, Mary Ann Kearns, Jane Chittenden, Jane Ballard, Edward Smith, Gary Hanson, Dorothy Hand, Georgiann Briles. The committee set up a constitution which the whole group discussed and members approved. The officers chosen: Pres. - Georgiann Briles, V. Pres. - Edward Smith; Sec.- Gary Hanson; Treas. - Mary Ann Kearns. This organization is to promote scholarship and encourage intellectual pursuits and will meet twice each six weeks. The requirements for admission are: (1) 92% average with only one grade below a 90% on a six weeks basis, (2) Must maintain above requirements for two consecutive six weeks period prior to admittance, (3) member falling below the above requirements for two consecutive six weeks periods will be dropped from the membership but can be eligible for re-admittance.

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