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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Basketball - Collins girls lost to Maxwell 62-46. Lineup: Georgiann Briles - 22 pts.; Dorothy Hand - 14 pts.; Sharon Stratton - 4 pts.; Charlene Luing - 4 pts.; Margo Mead - 2 pts.; Elaine Kloppenborg - 0 pts.; Linda Horn (g); Betty Jane Kearns (g); Claretta Smith (g); Celayne Elliott (g); Linda Mullihan (g).

(Insert 2006: Boys game results and lineup not found)

December 12, 1957 The Collins Gazette, in its 66th year of publication was sold last week by the Armstrong estate to Carl D. Hoit. They plan to move to Collins after the first of the year. The Gazette was purchased and operated beginning January 1956 by Eugene Buckley, now of Durand, Illinois. J. R. Armstrong, who was the publisher here for nearly 30 years, had an untimely death near January 1957.

J. R. (Army) Armstrong Our 50 year Late Honor of Your Retirement

April 7, 1927 Collins Gazette Changes Owners. With this issue, the Collins Gazette passes into the hands of the undersigned, J. R. (Army) Armstrong, who came here the last of the week from Des Moines, where he has been employed for the last year and a half on The Evening Tribune and Iowa Homestead. Previous to that time he conducted papers for himself for several years, and worked in various printing plants, having twenty-one years experience in the business.

"Army" and Collins Community School had a mutual benefiting relationship that provided a greater benefit to the entire Collins community. Apparently Army realized early on the importance of the school to the community and a regular source of news that has community interest. School news under the heading "The Broadcaster" and name change to "School Optic" in 1940 had front page ranking in the Gazette. Little could anyone foresee Army and also the predecessors would provide an incredible valued reliable history source of the Collins community. This school biography would definitely be much less and likely near impossible without the Gazette resource. Army, it took fifty years after graduation for this individual to recognize you continue to be a valued member of Collins community with irreplaceable valuable information. Our belated honor to you on the 50th Year Retirement Anniversary career completion as owner/editor of Collins Gazette April 7, 1927 - January 1, 1956.

Collins Community School Alumni.

Editor - Back Talk: There was discussion on starting an honor club with several for and against. One good reason for starting an honor club and eventually joining the National Honor Society would be the National Honor Society gives a scholarship to the Valedictorian of each school belonging. This would be favorable for future classes.

Saturday evening the FFA entertained the high school and guests at a Christmas dance in the lunchroom. Several times during the evening "mixer dances" were led by Ronnie Etnier. Refreshments were served later in the evening. Everyone enjoyed themselves and we thank the FFA boys and Mr. and Mrs. Graves for inviting us.

Basketball: The girls lost to Farrar on the home floor, 83-62. Lineup: Georgiann Briles 43 pts.; Dorothy Hand 8 pts.; Sharon Stratton 5 pts.; Charlene Luing 4 pts.; Margo Mead 2 pts.; Betty Jane Kearns (g); Linda Horn (g); Rosemary Cory (g); Elaine Kloppenborg (g).

The boys lost to Farrar 57-46. Farrar had a small lead throughout the game. Lineup: Gordon Smith, 4 pts.; Danny Long - 10 pts.; David Derby - 10 pts.; Pat Fitzgerald 2 pts.; Jim Nichol 13 pts.; Darwin Luing 7 pts.

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