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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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October 24, 1957 High School News - Don't forget the Junior Class Play Friday night. You get to see the class play and the new auditorium/gym all for the same price. The school carnival will be next Wednesday night. There will be games and entertainment for all ages. Come and celebrate Halloween. The flu bug seems to be taking over in school affecting both students and teachers.

Jamboree - will be held in Collins on November 9th. This will be girls and boys basketball games with the East playing the West. East team - Farrar, Maxwell, Colo, and Collins. West team - Slater, Huxley, Shipley, and Cambridge. Each team will play one quarter. Admission is 60 cents and 30 cents.

Grade News: Kindergarten - Each morning we pledge allegiance to the flag with the children taking turns standing in front of the class holding the flag.

October 31, 1957 Basketball Schedule (Boys and Girls): Nov. 5 Farrar (H); 8 Slater (H); 9 Jamboree (H); 12 Shipley (T); 15 Colo (T); 19 Cambridge (H); 22 Huxley (H). Dec. 6 Maxwell (T); 13 Mingo (H); 17 Cambridge (T); 20 Shipley (H). Jan. 7 Colo (H); 10 Zearing (H); 17 Huxley (T); 21-23 Girls Co. Tourney; 28-31 Boys Co. Tourney. Feb. 4 Slater (T); 7 Rhodes (T); 10-14 Girls Sectional Tourney; 18-20 Boys Sectional Tourney.

November 7, 1957 American Education Week is November 10-16 when parents are invited to visit the school. On November 11, Veterans Day/Armistice Day, there is to be a special program in the afternoon.

November 14, 1957 Grade News: 2nd - Sickness has caused many absences this week; Monday - 10, Tuesday - 13, Wednesday - 11; Thursday - 12; Friday - 12. We are learning when to use "saw" and "seen," also "went" and "gone" in our speaking and writing. 3rd - We are studying homes in Social Studies, learning of interesting homes made by animals, insects, and people. In Arithmetic we are working with the teen numbers and learning how to group numbers into 10's before we add or subtract. 4th - In Social Studies we are making a map of the United States and will be marking the places we read about in our book. In Arithmetic we are starting multiplying and dividing by 6.

Basketball: Jamboree - The East won the girls game and the West won the boys' game. The girls lost their season opening home game on the new gymnasium floor to Farrar 76-41. Lineup: Georgiann Briles (58) (f) - 32 pts.; Dorothy Hand (58) (f) - 4 pts.; Elaine Kloppenborg (59) (f) - 1 pt.; Charlene Luing (61)(f) - 4 pts.; Margo Mead (60)(f); Saundra Smith (58) (g); Sharon Stratton (59) (g); Rosemary Cory (61) (g); Celayne Elliott (61) (g); Carol Downing (59) (g); Linda Horn (61) (g); Claretta Smith (61) (g); Linda Mullihan (61) (g); Betty Jane Kearns (60) (g).

The boys also lost their opening game of the season to Farrar 49-34. Lineup: Darwin Luing (58) - 2 pts.; Danny Long (60) - 16 pts.; David Derby (59) - 7 pts.; Jim Nichol (61) - 4 pts.; Pat Fitzgerald (58) - 3 pts.; Jerry Dodd (59) - 1 pt.; Fred Etnier (61) - 1 pt.; Stanley Granger (61) - 0 pts.

Collins girls dropped their second game of the season at home 59-24. Georgiann was unable to play due to a sprained wrist. Lineup: Dorothy Hand - 10 pts.; Elaine Kloppenborg - 10 pts.; Charlene Luing - 2 pts.; Sharon Stratton (g-f) - 2 pts.; Saundra Smith (g); Rosemary Cory (g), Celayne Elliott (g); Carol Downing (g); Linda Horn (g).

The boys also lost their second game 52-26. Lineup: Darwin Luing - 0 pts.; Danny Long 11 pts.; David Derby - 0 pts.; Jim Nichol - 6 pts.; Pat Fitzgerald - 2 pts.; Jerry Dodd - 2 pts.; Fred Etnier - 0 pts.; Stanley Granger - 0 pts; Ted Hudson (59) - 2 pts.

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