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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Music News - On Wednesday, May 1, the intermediate band, girls glee club, and the senior band, gave a concert. The intermediate band played four selections. The glee club sang the two songs they took to contest - "Beside Still Water," and "Autumn Evening Song." The senior band played ten selections including the three they took to contest - "Deep River Rhapsody," "Cowboy Legend," and "Pacific Grandeur." Saturday was the large group contest at Bondurant. Both the band and glee club received a III rating.

Baseball - Sectional tournament: After winning the two previous games from Maxwell, the Collins boys dropped the second round tournament game to Maxwell, 4-3 in an 11-inning game. Collins collected five hits for their three runs. Gordon Smith and Jerry Dodd pitched, with Ben Clark catching. Lineup: Pat Fitzgerald (3b) 0 hits; Jerry Dodd (lf-p) 1 hit; Norlyn Smith (rf) 0 hits; Ben Clark (c) 2 hits; David Fitzgerald (ss) 0 hits; Darwin Luing (cf) 1 hit; Gordon Smith (p-lf) 1 hit; Gary Borts (2b) 0 hits; Danny Long (1b) 0 hits.

May 10, 1957 The boys' track team came through with second place in the South Story Conference track meet held at Colo. The winner was Colo with 105 pts.; Collins - 52 pts.; Maxwell - 44 pts.; Huxley - 33 points.

Field Events placings: Shot Put - Gordon Smith - 3rd; Ben Clark - 4th.

Discus - Ben Clark - 4th; Football Throw - Denny Sullivan - 3rd; David Fitzgerald - 4th.

High Jump - Danny Long - 2nd; Jerry Dodd - 4th; Broad Jump - Pat Fitzgerald - 5th.

Track Events placings: High Hurdles - Jerry Huffman - 3rd.

100-yard dash - Danny Long - 2nd; Pat Fitzgerald - 4th.

Mile Run - Elliott Partridge - 3rd; Jerry Huffman - 4th.

880-yard relay - Pat Fitzgerald., Denny Sullivan, David Fitzgerald, Glen Novinger - 1st.

880-yard run - Ronnie Robinett- 3rd; Glen Novinger - 4th.

440-yard relay - Danny Long, Denny Sullivan, Pat Fitzgerald, Elliott Partridge - 3rd.

220-yard dash - Ben Clark - 2nd; Low Hurdles - David Fitzgerald - 5th.

Mile relay - Ronnie Robinett, David Fitzgerald, Jerry Dodd, Elliott Partridge - 2nd.

(Note: Collins School did not have a track. They utilized/improvised the school grounds and the adjoining street for conditioning, training and practice.)

Thus far two alumni banquet planning meetings have been held with very small attendance. It was decided to make a definite change in the usual banquet procedure because interest and attendance the past few years has been dwindling, last year less than 100. The dues situation is a touchy one each year, but this year the seniors accepted the challenge of starting a new precedent to be followed in the future. Each graduate will pay the alumni assn. $1.00 and this will pay his or her dues for life. As for past graduates, your dues are optional. If you have already paid at least one dollar in dues, you have your life membership. If you have not, and would like to pay, I assure you it will be greatly appreciated. This is the first year the association has had any amount of money to start on and our thanks goes to two bridge clubs that held a bake sale and turned the proceeds over to us. On May 23rd 1957 at 6:00 p.m. of the Collins High School will hold a basket dinner in the high school lunchroom. Each couple is asked to bring meat, vegetable, or salad, dessert, their own bread and butter, and complete table service. Relish trays, napkins, and coffee will be furnished. A small fee of .50 per person is being charged to defray expenses of decorating, etc. At 8:00 p.m., the graduation exercises will be held in the new gymnasium. (Insert 2006: First graduation in the new gymnasium) The guest speaker is George Adkins, a well-known leader in the Christian youth movement. Immediately following the graduation, a dance will be held in the lunchroom. Oscar Hall and his two boys of Nevada will furnish the music. The charge for the dance will be .50 per person. We hope you will accept this letter as your invitation.

Sincerely, Naomi (Gilley) Pointer - Pres., Richard Holland - Vice Pres., Dorothy Buck Atwood - Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Zella Kitchel

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