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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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March 28, 1957 Pinky's Prattle - Last Friday the basketball boys attended the State Tournament in Des Moines. The baseball boys have started practice with the first game April 5 at Collins against Farrar. The juniors have been selling seeds to help raise money for the Junior-Senior Banquet. This is one of many projects they have used this year to make the money usually received from refreshments sold at basketball games. The Home Ec girls have been preparing for spring by making spring clothes. The Ag boys have been fixing up the front lawn, which is a good deal. Also, anyone cutting corners gets to make a few trips around the lawn behind the schoolhouse.

Music News: At the World Day of Prayer on March 8, the sextet of Georgiann Briles, Daisy Mary Maxwell, Lois Struthers, Shirley Kern, Verlie Etnier, and Dorothy Hand, with Glen Novinger and Elliott Partridge, sang "Fairest Lord Jesus" and "Day is Dying in the West." Lois Struthers and Shirley Kern sang a duet, "Whispering Hope." Elliott Partridge sang "Ship Ahoy." At the Junior Class play on March 15, the girls sextet sang, "Stars Are the Windows of Heaven;" Darwin Luing sang, "If I Had a Thousand Lives to Live;" the sophomore quartet of Mary Ann Kearns, Carol Downing, Beverly Christain, and Elaine Kloppenborg sang, "Tonight You Belong to Me" and "Going to Get Along Without You Now." The clarinet quartet, Mary Ann Kearns, Sharon Kelderhouse, Edward Smith, and Gary Hanson, played "Dinah" and "Margie." The following groups and soloists are going to contest: Band; girls glee club; girls sextet; Daisy Mary Maxwell, Elliott Partridge and Darwin Luing- vocalists; Mary Ann Kearns and Sharon Kelderhouse - clarinets; Shirley Kern- Piano; John Tiffany - Cornet. Class D contest will be May 4 at Bondurant, small groups and solos will be at Colo on April 12 and 13. There will be a local concert at the high school auditorium on April 10.

Grade News: 3rd - Our room seemed more pleasant this week with the arrival of some new library books and their bright colored jackets. We are also indebted to the public library for the rental of some of their interesting books. We are starting a unit on book reports in language. We had an observation lesson for Science in our room. A beautiful Swallow-tail butterfly came out of one of the cocoons we collected last fall. 5th - In Arithmetic we brought grocery sales slips from home and figured the cost of different items.

April 11, 1957 Athletic Banquet - The new lunchroom (lower level, formerly the gym, classrooms constructed on middle level) was the scene of the Athletic Banquet Tuesday evening. Tables were decorated attractively with a combination of the spring and sports theme. The banquet got underway with a potluck supper, which was one of the best we have ever had. After everyone stuffed themselves, Principal Kenaley, master of ceremonies, began with a grand start by telling a few jokes. Coach Dean Curtis gave a speech telling how proud he was of the teams and followers. Very interesting speeches from the girls co-captains Janice Heintz and Jill Kilgore, and the boys' captain, Jerry Huffman. The program also included a solo by Darwin Luing and several numbers by the quartet consisting of Gene Buckley (Gazette owner), Bob Graves (Voc Ag teacher), Everett McCord (Collins businessman), and Elliott Partridge (senior). This was followed by a dance, which was thoroughly enjoyed by both the youth and their parents. We, the members of the various athletic teams, would like to thank the mothers and everyone else who helped with this wonderful banquet.

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