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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Grade News: 2nd - We are surely having fun with our post office. Each day a boy or girl is the postmaster who delivers letters. During our post office unit we are learning how to write and send letters, how mail travels, and how a post office operates. The post office unit covers the subjects of language and social studies. 3rd - To increase our vocabularies, we have started, "My Own Word" book. We are to add at least two new words each day. When we have learned to pronounce, spell, and use a new word correctly, we feel it is our very own word. 5th - Six in our room received immunization injections in the special program. 6th - In Iowa History we have read about the textbooks that were used in the early days. Mrs. Jacobson, John's mother, has the McGuffey Reader and we are grateful to her for bringing it to us. We compared it with our reading textbook.

March 14, 1957 Pinky's Prattle - The basketball girls, cheerleaders, and ones who drove cars attended the Girls State Tournament in Des Moines Friday. It seems the bleacher seats were better than the reserved seat section that we had last year. The refreshments were an exorbitant price, 15 - 25 cents for a bottle of pop. State Free Throw Contest: Jill Kilgore made 20 of 25 in the State contest. She qualified for the State contest by winning the Sectional with 20 of 25 and also the District with 22 of 25.

Honor Roll (4th six weeks): Seniors - Janice Heintz, Jill Kilgore, Daisy Mary Maxwell, David Maxwell, David Fitzgerald, Glen Novinger, Elliott Partridge, Jerry Huffman. Juniors - Dorothy Hand, Georgiann Briles, Sharon Kelderhouse, Saundra Smith, Pat Fitzgerald. Sophomores - Jane Ballard, Jane Chittenden, Beverly Christain, Carol Downing, Mary Ann Kearns, Sharon Stratton, David Derby, Edward Smith, Gary Hanson. Freshmen - Lola Harre, Margaretha Fitzgerald, Betty Jane Kearns, Shirley Kern, Lois Struthers, Bob Dodd, Doug Gibford, John Tiffany.

Grade News: 5th -We started our fourth reader this week. It is called Following New Trails. We do the written work at the end of each lesson.

March 21, 1957 The annual Junior Class play was presented last Friday evening in the high school auditorium to a very appreciative audience. The play, "Kay Beats the Band," was a three-act play directed by Mrs. Jackson. Cast: Georgiann Briles, Dorothy Hand, Verlie Etnier, Pat Fitzgerald, Darwin Luing, Gordon Smith, Saundra Smith, Janice Heintz, Danny Branscomb, Sharon Kelderhouse. Janice Heintz (senior). Two jealous teenaged girls set the scene for a humorous, but to them, vital problem. Gradually one lie or misleading statement grew into another until a dreadful state existed. But when the play ended, all was well - the girls succeeding in keeping their boyfriends and the band earned a job. Entertainment was furnished between acts by the clarinet quartet, girls sextet, girls quartet, and vocal solo by Darwin Luing. Mrs. Jackson received a silver tray as a token of appreciation from the juniors.

High School News: It seems like we never get caught up with everything we have to do this time of year. The Junior Class play is over and already the seniors have begun serious work on their parts. In addition to practicing for State Music Contest, several of the music students are working on the class play. Mr. Curtis has the boys getting the diamond in shape for the baseball season. Besides all that, the teachers tell us we have to study once in a while.

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