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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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December 20, 1956 High School News - The time of year has come again when Christmas is near. After much secrecy and a few muffled giggles, the seniors pulled the stage curtains and revealed to us the Christmas tree, which they have been decorating.

The high school is busy planning for the Annual Christmas Program and gift exchange. Each boy is to bring a fifty cent gift for a boy and each girl a gift for a girl. The 6th grade and Jr. High (7th and 8th) have been invited and asked to participate in the program for the first time.

The Collins Chapter of the FFA sponsored a Christmas Dance Saturday, December 15 in the school lunchroom. High school and junior high students and their dates were invited. A lunch of pop and sandwiches was served. We thank the FFA and chaperones for an enjoyable evening.

Friday afternoon the Home Ec girls entertained their mothers, the teachers and their spouses, and the remainder of the high school girls at a Christmas Tea. The tables were decorated with a Christmas centerpiece. The Christmas tea lunch served consisted of decorated cookies, date and banana bread, mints, nuts, and coffee service. All were introduced to the mothers. Miss Burton and the girls are to be complimented on their Christmas Tea and we high school girls thank you for inviting us.

Grade News: 6th - In Arithmetic we started the multiplication of fractions and made a very good beginning. Twelve students had perfect papers in a daily assignment. Classroom visitors the past week were: Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Laughlin, and Mrs. Carson.

Basketball The Clipperettes downed Mingo in a thrilling game 69-59. Collins led most of the game by only a few points. Lineup: Georgiann Briles - 41 pts.; Jill Kilgore - 18 pts.; Dorothy Hand - 1 pt.; Janice Heintz (g); Donna Frerichs (g); Saundra Smith (g); Sharon Stratton (g).

In their coldest shooting game of the season, the boys lost to Mingo 101-31. Lineup: Jerry Huffman (f) - 0 pts.; Gordon Smith (f) - 14 pts.; Elliott Partridge (c) - 11 pts.; David Fitzgerald (g) - 0 pts.; Pat Fitzgerald (g) - 2 pts: Danny Long (g) - 2 pts.; Jerry Dodd (f) - 2 pts.

January 10, 1957 New Lunchroom - When we came back to school after holiday vacation, we found the lunchroom had been moved from the upper floor of the 1909 grade building into the old gym. The new lunchroom is very light and spacious, the ceiling having been lowered and painted white with the walls painted soft green and fluorescent light fixtures installed. The kitchen has new stack ovens and more work space. There is a sliding door to separate the kitchen and dining room. The hot lunch cooks (Mrs. Flora Morrison, Mrs. Hannah Westcott, and Mrs. Helen Keagle) much enjoy their new kitchen.

Grade News: 1st - We are learning our number stories. The stories are put on oaktag cards and each child is given a chance to tell the number story to the group. We have lots of fun doing this. 2nd In Health we are finishing our booklets about "Jerry's Good Health Habits." Also we have a new health game, a radio program about health habits. Magnets is the big topic for Science. Some of the boys and girls have brought magnets to school.

Basketball - The girls played the last game of 1956 on December 21, defeating Shipley on their court 49-28. Lineup: Georgiann Briles - 28 pts.; Jill Kilgore - 20 pts.; Dorothy Hand - 1 pt.; Janice Heintz (g); Donna Frerichs (g); Saundra Smith (g). The boys lost a heartbreaker to Shipley by one point - 52-51. Lineup: Jerry Huffman (f) - 8 pts.; Gordon Smith (f) - 5 pts.; Elliott Partridge (c) - 24 pts.; David Fitzgerald (g) - 0 pts.; Pat Fitzgerald (g) - 4 pts; Jerry Dodd (f) - 2 pts.

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