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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Boys basketball team prospects have likely looked brighter in previous years as six of last years' seven letter winners graduated. Team members are: David Fitzgerald (57), Elliott Partridge (57), Jerry Huffman (57), Pat Fitzgerald (58), Gordon Smith (58), Darwin Luing (58), Jerry Dodd (59), David Derby (59), Danny Long (60), Bob Dodd (60), and Gary Borts (60). Team managers are: Gary Smith (60) and Denny Sullivan (59).

Junior High News - 7th: In arithmetic we are making line graphs and working problems on wages. In Science, we are making a model map of a ranger lookout tower out of paper machete. The model shows how the different fires are controlled by forest workers. In English, we are learning the correct usage of subjects and verbs. 8th: In Arithmetic we have studied the use of invoices and statements.

Friday night, the freshmen class gave a dance honoring the sophomores in return for the initiation and dance given earlier by the sophomores. The juniors and seniors were also invited. The dance was held in the lunchroom located on the upper floor of the 1909 grade school building. To get things off to a good start the freshmen had several mixers, which helped break the ice and were a great success. We danced for a couple hours and the freshmen served refreshments of homemade cookies of all kinds and punch. Dancing continued until near 11:00 P.M. The party was a great success with an enjoyable evening by all.

November 8, 1956 Collins Ranks High. The results of the Iowa Tests of Educational Development for 1956 show the Collins classes have again made an excellent record. The profile of percentile marks of each Collins class is compared with all other schools. We should be extremely proud of this fine record and study to continue the quality record.

Pinky's Prattle - The Biology students have a new collection of preserved animal life: Frogs, worms, snails, just about any of the smaller animals you can think of. The class will dissect some of them. Biology question: Tell me something about oysters. Response: They are very lazy, always found in beds.

Basketball Schedule (Boys and Girls): All games are away as the new gymnasium is under construction and the old gymnasium is remodeled into classrooms and a multipurpose room: (Insert May 2007: Old gym remodeling also eliminated basketball practice on a home court throughout the pre-season and season. Arrangements were made for practice at Maxwell gym during noon lunch period and promptly after school hours at Rhodes. Girls and boys alternated practice locations between Maxwell and Rhodes. The players did not recall a specific schedule of practices; quite likely practices were not held every day. Scheduled games were customarily Tuesday and Friday nights.Coach was Mr. Curtis for both girls and boys teams. Transportation was provided by students with cars and Coach Curtis. Drivers: Girls - Donna Frerichs, Jill Kilgore, and Coach. Boys - Ben Clark, Gordon Smith, and Coach. The seven miles to Rhodes was a gravel road with several curves, hills, and "washboard bumpy areas." Student drivers were not paid mileage or expenses. This was an adventurous year for basketball players, coach, entire Collins School and fans. Schedule: Nov. 2 Farrar; 6 Cambridge; 9 Slater; 13 Shipley; 16 Colo; 27 Maxwell; 30 Milford Twp. Dec. 4 Farrar; 7 Maxwell; 11 Mingo; 21 Shipley. Jan. 2 Cambridge; 8 Colo; 11 Zearing; 15 Gilbert; 18 Huxley. Feb. 12 Rhodes; 15 Huxley; 22 Slater.

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