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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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October 18, 1956 High School News - Music students are selling magazine subscriptions for the Curtis Circulation Co. We are divided into a republican and a democratic team. Each day the high salesman of each team receives a stuffed toy donkey or elephant, according to their party. Our goal is $600 to buy a hi-fi phonograph and tape recorder.

Sophomores attended a career day in Nevada Thursday. Each had written their first five preferences for occupation.

The basketball players are going to start practicing in out-of-town gyms. It is going to be a rough year for players, fans, and everyone concerned.

Grade News: 2nd - InScience we finished studying the caterpillar and butterfly. Several brought them for their scrapbook. We also had a short quiz on their names. 3rd - For Fire Prevention Week we enjoyed a trip to see the fire engines and demonstration of first aid devices at the town hall. We also made posters on fire prevention. Our room mother, Mrs. Forrest Luing, assisted by Mrs. John Crabb and Mrs. Gus Hay, entertained the 3rd grade mothers and all grade teachers at a tea Friday after school. The table decorations were lovely with centerpiece of autumn flowers.

October 25, 1956 Music News - Magazine subscription money has now passed $300, but we still have a long way to go. We thank all those who have helped us. Girls Glee Club elected officers: Pres. - Sharon Kelderhouse; Vice Pres. - Daisy Mary Maxwell; Librarian - Beverly Kelderhouse. We now have an intermediate band with 14 members and also 16 beginning instrumentalists, which is among the largest beginning group in several years. All together there are 37 taking private lessons through the school.

Honor Roll: Seniors - David Fitzgerald, Janice Heintz, Jill Kilgore, Daisy Mary Maxwell, David Maxwell, Glen Novinger, Elliott Partridge. Juniors - Georgiann Briles, Dorothy Hand, Saundra Smith. Sophomores - Jane Ballard, Jane Chittenden, David Derby, Gary Hanson, Mary Ann Kearns, Ed Smith, Sharon Stratton. Freshmen - Lola Harre, Betty Jane Kearns, Shirley Kern, Duretta Phares, and Lois Struthers.

FFA News - Ben Clark, David Maxwell, David Fitzgerald, Larry Kloppenborg, Pat Fitzgerald, Gordon Smith, and Mr. Graves left early Monday to attend the FFA Convention in Kansas City, MO.

November 1, 1956 The 1956-57 basketball season begins this Friday evening when Collins plays Farrar at Farrar. Collins' team will play their home games away as the old court is being converted to classrooms in the middle level and multi-purpose room in the lower level. Also the new gymnasium construction is not completed. (Insert 2006: Information on school buildings' improvements, renovation, and construction of new gym/auditorium is available on date entries of February 16, 1956, March 1, 1956, and May 17, 1956. No records of the ongoing progress of the projects were found.)

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