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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 8: Fall 1956–Spring 1970

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Collins School Chronological Journey

Part VIII Era: 1956 - Spring 1970

August 23, 1956 Collins Consolidated School will open at 9:00 A.M. Monday, Sept. 3rd with the following faculty: Mrs. Amelia Buck - Kindergarten; Mrs. June Steddom Hanna - 1st *; Miss Gloria Kopaska - 2nd*; Mrs. Anna Meeker - 3rd; Miss Grace Vincent - 4th; Mrs. Marjorie Heintz - 5th; Mrs. Mauriel Hill - 6th*; Mrs. Patricia Reiley - Jr. High room*; Kenyon Bell - Music; Robert Graves - Voc. Ag. and Physics; Mrs. E. E. (Miriam) Jackson - English and Class Plays; Miss Leota Burton - Home Ec., Science, and Biology; William Reiley - Athletic coach and Soc. Sci. (History and Gov.)*; Tom Kenaley - H. S. Prin. and Commercial (Typing, Bookkeeping, and Gen. Bus.)*; Edward E. Jackson - Supt., and Math (Algebra and Geometry). *New faculty members this year. School buses will pick up pupils about the usual time beginning near 7:45 A.M. Hot lunches will be served for $1.25 per week. They will be served on the upper floor of the grade school building as in previous years, until the high school building alterations are completed. Textbooks will be rented at $3.00 per year and workbooks will be extra cost. High School and Jr. High rental fees are to be paid at the school secretary's office. Parents must have their health sheet for beginners completed by the first day of school and also provide copy of child's birth certificate.

The Story County Teachers' Institute will be held in Ames, August 31. It is mandatory that all teachers in the county attend this meeting. There will be meeting of the Collins faculty, Saturday, Sept. 1 at 2:00 P.M.

September 6, 1956 Optic Staff: Editor - Janice Heintz; Assist. Editor - Georgiann Briles; Feature Editors - Jane Ballard, Edward Smith; Music Reporter - Shirley Kern; Girls Sports - Jill Kilgore; Boys' Sports - Elliott Partridge; Grade Reporter: Lois Struthers; Junior High News - Rosemary Cory; Typists - Donna Frerichs, Glen Novinger, Daisy Mary Maxwell, Jill Kilgore.

School has quite a different appearance, especially in the high school building. The study hall is now upstairs in the auditorium (top floor above the old gymnasium). The junior high room is in the old study hall (mid-level floor, west side). Also the balcony is walled off, making it into an ordinary hallway (mid-level floor, adjacent to old study hall). The gym is being divided into two floors (mid-level for classroom and lower level for lunchroom/multipurpose). The grade building is almost the same, except for the second grade room.

September 13, 1956 High School News - Have you seen the Home Ec room lately? The girls really have it shining and clean. Heard they had lots of fun cleaning it up last week. Jr. High News: 7th Science, we are studying scientific identification. Also made finger prints and saw the differences in each person's prints. 8th American History, we drew a map of the British settlement in 1733 and studied about America when it was young and the people who came here. Class Officers: Freshmen - Pres. - Beverly Kelderhouse; V. Pres. - Bob Dodd; Sec. - John Tiffany; Treas. - Lola Harre; Student Council - Lois Struthers; Soph: Pres. - Pat Hickle; V. Pres. - Denny Sullivan; Sec.-Treas: - Mary Ann Kearns; Student Council - Jane Ballard. Juniors: Pres. - Darwin Luing; V. Pres. - Verlie Etnier; Sec. - Saundra Smith; Treas. - Georgiann Briles; Student Council - Sharon Kelderhouse. Seniors: Pres. - Janice Heintz; V. Pres. - Daisy Mary Maxwell; Sec. - Jill Kilgore; Treas. - David Fizgerald; Student Council - Ben Clark.

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