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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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Odds and Ends: Hurrah, Hurrah, our girls lowered the boom on Colfax in the District Consolation finals. This is the first District Trophy earned by a Collins girls' team. Congratulations, girls, you have had quite a season.

Notice - Annuals are now on sale for $1.50. The annuals have to be ordered now. Please contact any one of the seniors.

Grade News: Sixth - We have received seven new library books. Both boys and girls teams played a basketball game with the seventh grade last Saturday morning with the seventh grade winning both games. Fifth - In Arithmetic, we are working with the addition of fractions and whole numbers. Fourth - We have finished "Health Trails" and are now beginning "The Wonder World of Science." Third - In Language, we are learning the correct usage of the words, eat, ate, and eaten, and also give, gave, and given. In Arithmetic, we are adding three-figure numbers with double-figure carrying.

Music News - Saturday, February 25, Drake University will be host to the Eighth Annual CIBA Clinic. The clinic is divided into six groups. A student goes to a group according to the instrument they play. These clinics help rank beginners or well-advanced players according to their abilities. The head of each clinic is an accomplished musician on that particular instrument.

March 1, 1956 School Bond Issue Carries. The people voted decisively to pass the bond issue for the Collins Consolidated School District. There were 298 yes votes, 69 no votes, and 4 spoiled ballots. Upon completion of the proposed building program, Collins will certainly have one of the finest schools.

Editorial: A Seniors Delirium - What shall I do when I get out of school? Should I go to college or try to find a good job? Should I delay my stretch in the service or should I go now and get it out of the way? As the day nears, students begin to wonder whether they really do want to get out of school. They look back over those days of so-called toil and see not only work, but a never-ending series of good times.

High School News - There is a change in the class schedule due to the coming the baseball season. The two activity periods are now the eighth and ninth periods. Band and other music groups will also be held then. This will enable those boys out for baseball to also participate in music. Music News - We wish to thank all the band mothers for sponsoring another breakfast and bake sale and thanks to all who helped make it a success. We cleared $105, which will be used to pay for our band jackets. Music during the morning consisted of several numbers by the band, trumpet solo by John Tiffany, clarinet duet by Mary Ann Kearns and Sharon Kelderhouse, trombone solo by Quentin Keagle and several numbers by the German band (Rex, Quentin, Don, Mary Ann, Sharon).

Boys Basketball Sectional Tournament: First round - Collins season came to an early conclusion as they were defeated by a strong Clemons team, 74-48. Collins was unable to hit their baskets and Clemons had high scorers with 23 and 18 points. Lineup: Bill Ballard (56) (f) 4 pts.; Elliott Partridge (57) (f-c) 17 pts; John Vasey (56) (c-f) 9 pts.; Larry Laird (56) (g) 6 pts.; Jim Dodd (56) (g) 4 pts.; Rex Morrison (56) (g) 1 pt.; Jerry Nichol (56) (g) 4 pts.; Ben Clark (57) 0 pts.; David Fitzgerald (57) 0 pts.; Pat Fitzgerald (58) 0 pts.; Gordon Smith (58) 4 pts.; Jerry Huffman (57) 0 pts.

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