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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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The cast: David Maxwell - Mr. Maxwell, the father; Sandra Carley - Mrs. Maxwell, the mother; Daisy Maxwell - Betty Lou, a teenage daughter; Mary Jo Shultz - Bernadine, a pal to Betty Lou; Larry Kloppenborg - Wilbur, young son; Ben Clark - Hercules Nelson, bosom pal of Wilbur; Jill Kilgore - Connie, oldest daughter; Elliott Partridge - Craig Moore, boyfriend of Connie; Janice Heintz - Aunt Mary; Myrtle Klopenborg - Miss Mary, editor of the Lovelorn column; Glen Novinger - Mr. Moore, Craig's father; David Fitzgerald - Del Marshall, newspaper reporter. The music between the acts included Piano Solo - "Autumn Leaves," by Mary Jo Shultz; Trumpet Duet - "Cracker Jacks' by Glen Novinger and Don Shultz; Sextet composed of Betty Spooner, Georgiann Briles, Peggy Kloppenborg, Loretta Swaim, Daisy Maxwell, Verlie Etnier - "Pale Moon" and "Over the Rainbow;" Boys Quartet of Quentin Keagle, Elliott Partridge, Glen Novinger, Rex Morrison, sang "Mother" and "My Evaline."

School News - Monday evening a carnival is being given at the schoolhouse.

November 3, 1955 Junior High News: Seventh - In Science we are studying about the growth of trees and how to tell a tree's age. Eighth - In English we have been studying how to find and use transitive and intransitive verbs. We have completed study of the Revolutionary War period.

High School News - As many may have seen, the Cheerleaders are wearing new outfits this year. They are blue jumpers over a white blouse and they also have white beanies. We hope they will do a good job of cheering our teams to victory.

November 10, 1955 School Carnival was a big success. The activity fund cleared about $160. Some of the stands operated by high school students - basketball free-throw, baseball pitch, cake walk, darts, novelty stand, and penny-pitch. The band mothers ran a candy-stand and Mr. Bell planned a very entertaining musical program. They cleared $71 for their department. The P.T.O. ran a thriving sandwich shop and cleared $87.

Junior High News: Eighth - In English we are now studying predicate nominatives, predicate adjectives, indirect objects, and direct objects as well as transitive verbs, active and passive verbs, and intransitive verbs.

The first meeting of the Adult Evening School was held Monday evening in the school house. Interior decorating was the subject of the Homemaking Class. The Adult Farmers Class discussed social security and how it affects the farmer. The next meeting is November 11.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Collins Consolidated School District on November 1, they were unable to award contracts for construction and remodeling of school buildings due to a technicality on annexing small areas in Story and Jasper Counties. (Insert 2005: See February 16, 1956 entry)

November 17, 1955 Basketball Schedule - Home Games: Nov. 29 - Maxwell; 6 - Farrar; 13 - Baxter; 16 - Shipley; 20 - Mingo; Jan. 10 - Colo. Away Games: Nov. 18 - Colo; 22 - Baxter; Dec. 2 - Cambridge; 9 - Maxwell; 23 - Eldora Training (boys only); Jan. 6 - Huxley; 20 - Zearing (boys only).

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