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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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Comments from a 1955 Graduate - Gene Fitzgerald said an early recalling is sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Ferris, had positive early impact on his interest in basketball. Mrs. Ferris made extra effort to organize informal sixth grade boys' basketball team that played after school games with nearby schools. Mrs. Ferris personally provided transportation for out-of-town games. (Insert 2005: Gene was a regular basketball and baseball team player for three years.)

September 8, 1955 Optic Staff: Editor - John Vasey; Assist. Editor - Janice Heintz; Feature Editors - George Keagle, Georgiann Briles; Girls' Sports - Mary Jo Shultz; Boys' Sports - Larry Laird; Grade Reporter - Jane Ballard; Junior High - Shirley Kern; High School Reporter - Mary Ann Kearns; Music Reporter: Daisy Mary Maxwell; F. F. A. Reporter - Pat Fitzgerald; Typists - Marjorie Hickle, Betty Spooner, Loretta Swaim, Rex Morrison.

Once again the time of the year comes when we hear the peal of distant bells; the pitter patter of tiny feet scurrying hither and thither across lawns, up sidewalks, and through the halls of Old Collins High. As I glided into study hall at 8:50 A. M. Monday morning, I found everything just as I had left it last May, except for a few alterations in the classes. ~ George Keagle

School Enrollment - Following is a comparison of the enrollment of last year of 1954-55 and this year of 1955-56. The first number after each grade will be 1954-55 year and the second number will be 1955-56 year. Kindergarten - 23-28; First - 26-23; Second - 23-28; Third - 12 - 25; Fourth - 26-13; Fifth - 28-22; Sixth - 30-30; Seventh - 23-28; Eighth - 19-22; Ninth - 8-22; Tenth - 16-9; Eleventh - 17-16; Twelfth - 12-16. Total 263-281.

Class Officers - Freshmen: Pres. - David Derby; V. Pres. - Mary Kearns; Sec.-Treas. - Jerry Dodd, Sharon Stratton; Student Council - Denny Sullivan. Sophomores: Pres. - Dorothy Hand; V. Pres. - Verlie Etnier; Sec.-Treas. - Darwin Luing; Student Council - Georgiann Briles. Juniors: Pres. - Sandra Carley; V. Pres. - Mary Jo Shultz; Sec.-Treas. - Janice Heintz; Student Council - Daisy Mary Maxwell. Seniors: Pres. - Betty Spooner; V. Pres. - Jim Dodd; Sec.-Treas. - George Keagle; Student Council - John Vasey.

Music News - Wednesday we elected Pres. - Mary Ann Kearns; V. Pres. - Dorothy Hand; Librarians - Verlie Etnier and Georgiann Briles. Tryouts were held for various small vocal groups on Thursday. To date we have girls sextet - Georgiann, Daisy, Betty S., Verlie, Loretta, and Peggy; freshmen trio - Elaine, Mary D., and Carol Ann. Later on we hope to have several more small groups organized.

Odds and Ends - A noticeable change can be seen in the Study Hall. Instead of the comfortable 59 that were here last year, there are now 85. New books have been purchased for Business Law and Economics. The new coach wasted no time in starting to get the baseball boys in shape. There is a distasteful rumor that State tests are to be given next week.

Grade News: Fifth - Linda Carson and her sister, Marilyn appeared on the Cartoon Club Program over KRNT on Friday.

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