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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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Home Ec class has taken several trips this year and all have been interesting and helpful. The most recent trip was Thursday to the Home and Flower Show. Model Home of 1955 was inspected by us and was very nice.

On Tuesday the ninth and tenth Voc. Ag. boys took a field trip to Iowa State (College) University to see the Dairy Industry Building and the Dairy Farm. Our first visit was the Dairy Industry Building with Professor Iverson as guide through the cheese-processing department. He also showed us the processing of milk from the time received until it was ready for sale. He gave us a special treat, two quarts of concentrated milk, which is a very new process. This is six quarts of whole milk with four quarts of water removed. Mr. Iverson mixed the concentrated milk with strawberry pop, which made it taste just like strawberry soda. Mothers, this is your answer to junior's milk-drinking problem. The next stop was the Dairy Farm where we saw the veal calves, which were on experimental rations.

Freshmen News - We finished our English books and have started reading our literature books. Not only are the stories interesting, but also, the authors, two of whom have lived in Iowa, and one of the stories takes place at Iowa State (College) University.

Louis Schrader, Athletic Coach of the Collins School, has taken over the local agency of the Standard Oil Company. Schrader will continue his schoolwork for the remainder of the school year.

March 10, 1955 Honor Roll: Freshmen - Georgiann Briles, Saundra Smith; Sophomores - Glen Novinger, Elliott Partridge, David Maxwell, Sandra Carley, Janice Heintz, Mary Jo Shultz; Juniors - Bill Ballard, George Keagle, Rex Morrison, Bob Rice, John Vasey, Marjorie Hickle, Betty Spooner; Seniors - Janet Evans, Mary McGrane.

This and That: On Thursday the Girls' Basketball Team attended the Girls State Basketball Tournament in Des Moines.

Grade News: Third - We read stories from our readers about silk, rayon, and linen. We wrote short reports about the most interesting thing from each. We have finished our unit on clothing.

March 17, 1955 This and That - The Home Ec. Girls served tea and pie to all the faculty members Thursday after school. The pies were lemon and chocolate chiffon and cherry.

Music News - Friday, the members of our Mixed Chorus participated in a music festival held in the new gymnasium at Shipley. We arrived about 2:00 P.M. and began rehearsing a selection of fourteen numbers. At 7:30 P.M., the concert under the direction of Mr. Smith from Iowa State (College) University was presented by a 200-voice chorus consisting of students from Collins, Colo, Huxley, Shipley, Maxwell and Slater. On April 1, another music festival, this one for bands, will be held at Maxwell. The Mixed Chorus is going to sing for the P. T. O. meeting in March.

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