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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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October 21, 1954 This and That - The seniors have ordered their class pictures and they are to arrive near the middle of November. The boys went to Kansas City for the F. F. A. Convention, returning Tuesday evening. Everyone seemed to be as fit as when they left.

Fall 1954 Baseball Season Summary - Collins' Scheduled Games: Won - Slater 6-3, Farrar 17-2, Huxley 5-4. Lost - Clemons 5-4.

Sectional Tournament: Collins won - Fernald 12-7, Farrar 12-11 for the championship. District Tournament: Collins won - Pilot Mount 5-2, Jamaica 3-2 for the championship.

Sub-state - Collins won - Whitten 11-1. Lost - Van Horn 8-5. (Insert 2005: One win from State Tournament. Van Horn had strong baseball reputation)

Collins had a successful baseball season, reaching the finals of the sub-state. They had 8 victories in 10 games. John Vasey was the regular starting pitcher, wining 8 games and losing 2. Jerry Nichol, the regular catcher, pitched one game for a win. The infield, which has worked together for two years, is composed of Jack Kilgore - first, Ronnie Long - second, Gene Fitzgerald - third, Jim Dodd - shortstop. The outfield was also above average with all having strong throwing arms and good batting eyes. They are: Jerry Thornton - left field, Bill Ballard - center field, and Larry Laird - right field. The utility players performed very well. Coach - Louis Schrader.

Hot Lunch: Wed. - Roast beef, mashed potatoes, buttered peas, bread and butter sandwiches, fruit cocktail, milk. Thur. - Liver, mashed potatoes, green beans, chocolate cake, bread and butter sandwiches, milk; Fri. - Macaroni with meat and potatoes, tossed vegetable salad, bread and butter sandwiches, cookies, milk.

October 28, 1954 Announcing Fall Carnival - One of the features of the program on October 29 will be two wrestling tag team matches and a boxing match. The men's wrestling will feature "Snortin' Thorton" and "Big Red Long" defending their title against "Woody Nichol" and "Killer Kilgore," two of the dirtiest wrestlers in the business. The boxing match is a return grudge match between two top-ranking middle weights, "Jarring Jimmy Dodd" and "Larry, the Brute, Laird." The final event of the evening is a women's tag team match featuring "Shoeless Sandra Carley" and "Slingin' Saundra Smith" vs. "Geronimo Kilgore" and "Gypsy Jo Shultz."

Career Day was held at the Nevada School on October 21. The juniors and seniors of the surrounding schools met in the auditorium. Sometime earlier, a list of available classes was provided for the students to select five classes. We were assigned to three classes from our five selections. A person qualified in each special field was the speaker for the class, explaining their vocation and the qualifications required.

1954-55 Basketball Season Schedule: Nov. 2 - Farrar (H); 3 - Elkhart (H); 9 - Cambridge (T); 12 - Slater (T); 16 - Rhodes (T); 19 - Colo (H); 23 - Baxter (H); 30 - Maxwell (T). Dec. 3 - Cambridge (H); 7 - Farrar (T); 10 - Maxwell (H); 14 - Baxter (T); 17 - Shipley (T); 21 - Mingo (T). Jan. 4 - McCallsburg (T); 7- Huxley (H); 11 - Colo (T); 14 - Eldora Trng. (H); 21 - Zearing (H); 15 - Rhodes (H). Season tickets are available, adult prices are $3.50 and children $1.50 for the ten home games. There will be refreshments sold by the junior class.

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