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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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Baseball - Collins lost to Mingo 4-3 last Thursday. Jerry Nichol pitched an excellent game, allowing only three hits and no walks. Collins scored two runs in the first inning, and Mingo came back with three runs, added one run in the fourth inning and Collins scored one more in the sixth inning. Collins had six hits. Lineup: Gene Fitzgerald (55) (3b) 1 hit; Ronnie Long (55) (2b) 0 hits; John Vasey (56) (1b) 2 hits; Jerry Nichol (56) (p) 0 hits; Jack Kilgore (55) (c) 1 hit; Jim Dodd (56) (ss) 0 hits; Jerry Thornton (55) (lf) 1 hit; Bill Ballard (56) (cf) 1 hit; Dale Derby (54) (rf) 0 hits.

South Story Conference Baseball Tournament: First round - Collins vs. Bye.

Second round - Collins dropped a game to Huxley, 7-3, collecting only three hits. Collins scored 3 runs in the second, Huxley scored all their runs in the fifth, sixth, and seventh innings. Lineup: Ronnie Long (55) (2b) 1 hit; Gene Fitzgerald (55) (3b) 1 hit; Jack Kilgore (55) (c) 0 hits; Jerry Nichol (56) (p) 1 hit; Jim Dodd (56) (ss) 0 hits; Bill Ballard (56) (cf) 0 hits; John Vasey (56) (1b) 0 hits; Jerry Thornton (55) (lf) 0 hits; Dale Derby (54) (rf) 0 hits.

The freshman-sophomore Ag class went to Waterloo April 19 to visit the Rath Packing plant and the John Deere Tractor works.

April 22, 1954 Honor Roll: Seniors - Dale Derby, Reda Smith; Juniors - Janet Evans, Sandra Long, Mary McGrane, Maris Slauson, Clara Maxwell; Sophomores - Bill Ballard, Larry Laird, Rex Morrison, John Vasey, Marjorie Hickle; Freshmen - Elliott Partridge, Janice Heintz, Mary Shultz, Sandra Carley, David Maxwell, Daisy Maxwell.

May 6, 1954 The senior class presented their play, "Deadly Ernest," to an appreciative audience. All the cast played their parts in very credible manner and the audience had many good laughs at the expense of the characters in the situations in which they were involved.

There were over 3,000 students participating in the State Music Contest at Perry. Our six groups did very well. Vocal solos: , D. G. Partridge - II rating, Maris Slauson - III rating; Girls trio - III rating; Brass quartet and Trumpet trio both made very good performances, receiving II ratings; Tuba solo by Rex Morrison - II rating.

Baseball - Collins defeated Farrar on the home diamond, 9-4. John Vasey pitched 7 innings. Runs - 4, hits - 5, strikeouts (?), walks - 1. Nichol was catcher. Collins scored 5 runs in the first inning and never trailed Farrar. Lineup: Ronnie Long (55) (2b) 0 hits; Jim Dodd (56) (ss) 1 hit; John Vasey (56) (p) 2 hits; Jerry Nichol (56) (c) 0 hits; Jack Kilgore (55) (1b-c) 1 hit;Jerry Thornton (55) (lf) 1 hit; Gene Fitzgerald (55) (3b) 0 hits; Bill Ballard (56) (cf) 0 hits; Dale Derby (54) (rf) 1 hit; Larry Laird (56) (1b) 0 hits; Ben Clark (57) (rf) 0 hits.

Baseball - Collins lost to Melbourne 4-1. Jerry Nichol did a fine job of pitching, but the Collins boys collected only 4 hits for one run, scored in the last inning.

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