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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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Irene Shenkle; Song by high school group. For the conclusion of the program the class served ice cr me and angel food cake in the basement dining room. The evening entertainment was a well prepared affair, bringing the people of the community together, drawn by one common interest, the school.

On Sunday evening, May 15th the Baccalaureate sermon was delivered by Rev. Paul M. McDade, at the Church of Christ. The sermon was a literary triumph; a wonderful discourse.

The commencement exercises are to be held tonight, Prof. Swain of Iowa City, delivering the address.

August 11, 1921 School Route Drivers The sealed bids for drivers on the different school routes have been received and following is a list of the contracts let: Route No. 1 Hugh Fertig, Route No. 2 Lowell Carver, Route No. 3 U. Dodd, Route No. 4 Tom Jones, Route No. 5 H. W. Johnson, Route No 6 Blank – (No. 6 has not been let as probably Route 6 and 7 will be made one.) Route No. 7 Sid Atkinson, Route No. 8 G. F. Holland, Route No. 9 W. L. Duesbury, Route No. 10 Wm. Luing. (Insert 2003: All buses pulled by a team of horses [2])

John Mills received the contract for Janitor for the coming school year. John was janitor last year and proved very satisfactory.

August 11, 1921 Teachers for the coming year: School will start in Collins Monday September 5th. The teachers have all been carefully selected with the exception of one. Following is the list of teachers for this year: C. W. Kirk, Supt.; Miss Emma Grove, of Iowa City – Principal - Mathematics and Latin; C. C. Rodgers, of St. Paul Min. - History; Miss Lena Van Cieve, of Colorado Springs, Colo - English; Miss Elizabeth Smyle, of Ames - Physiology, Physics and General Science; Miss Opal Durham of Ames - Domestic Science and Music; Miss Anna Sharplee, of Bloomington, Ill. - First Primary; Miss Iva Swalwell of Collins - Second Primary; Miss Pearl Wax of Spring Hill, Kansas - Third Grade; Miss Hazel Holmes of Collins - Fifth Grade; Miss Ina Marmon, of Des Moines - Sixth Grade; Miss Nellie Claver of Collins - Seventh Grade; Miss Clara Signs of Collins - Eighth Grade.

September 1, 1921 The Collins School will begin Monday, Sept. 5, and on that day all boys and girls, young men and women from Collins and Collins township and other parts will be expected to be on hand at 9:00 A.M. Although the new building is not complete, school will be opened just the same. Collins will have a school in a few weeks, second to no consolidated school in Story County.

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