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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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This is American Education Week. It was inaugurated in 1921 at a meeting of representatives of the American Legion and the National Education Association. At the present time, American Education Week is sponsored by the American Legion, the U. S. Office of Education and National Congress of Parents and Teachers. The purpose of this special observance of education is to inform the public about their school, its accomplishments, its needs, and to secure the cooperation and support of every individual. The general theme this year is "The School is My Responsibility," and the task is living up to that belief. I will take an interest in the school and will work to promote every program that is for the good of the school.

December 3, 1953 Music - The high school band members have started to keep practice records which help toward grades and awards made at the end of the year. A satisfactory is 120 minutes of practice and anything less is unsatisfactory. Anything over that is superior. We want to thank Don Shultz for making a base drum stand in shop for us. This will help us in holding the base drum.

December 17, 1953 The Annual Christmas Program of the school will be given evening of December 21 in the school auditorium. The program is: A short concert of Christmas music by the band; playlet by the kindergarten and first grade; sextet of junior high girls; a cantata by the high school music groups; solos by D. G. Partridge and Maris Slauson; and, selections by several small groups.

Basketball - Maxwell girls defeated Collins girls 54-33. Lineup: Spooner (f) 11 pts.; Briles (f) 10 pts.; Kilgore (f) 9 pts; McGrane (f) 3 pts; Reda Smith (g); Heintz (g); Shultz (g).

Collins boys defeated Maxwell on their court 60-43. Collins led 19-9 at the first quarter and Maxwell tied the game at 24-24 at halftime. A total of 73 free throws were shot in the game and only 29 made. Lineup: Laird (f) 7 pts.; Vasey (f) 16 pts.; Kilgore (c) 14 pts.; Long (g) 5 pts.; Fitzgerald (g) 5 pts.; Morrison (g) 6 pts.; Nichol (f) 5 pts.; Ballard (f) 2 pts.

Basketball - The Collins boys defeated Cambridge in a lopsided game 49-23. Lineup: Laird (f) 6 pts.; Vasey (f) 18 pts.; Kilgore (c) 12 pts.; Long (g) 6 pts.; Fitzgerald (g) 3 pts.; Morrison (g) 0 pts.; Nichol (f) 2 pts.; Ballard (f) 1 pt.; Dodd (f) 1 pt.

Basketball - The Collins girls were defeated by Maxwell in a hard-fought game, score (42-33). Maxwell had 16-14 halftime lead. Lineup: Spooner (f) 17 pts.; Evans (f) 9 pts.; McGrane (f) 5 pts.; Kilgore (f) 1 pts; Hickle (f) 2 pts; Reda Smith (g); Heintz (g); Shultz (g). The Collins boys defeated Maxwell 45-33. Lineup: Laird (f) 11 pts.; Vasey (f) 19 pts.; Kilgore (c) 2 pts.; Long (g) 11 pts.; Fitzgerald (g) 2 pts.; Morrison (g) 0 pts.; Nichol (f) 0 pts.; Ballard (f) 0 pts.; Dodd (f) 0 pts.

Grade News: Sixth - Class members have been giving a series of individual Science reports taken from the magazine, "The Iowa Conservationist." We are glad to know about wildlife in our state. Mrs. Vera Vasey gave us several copies of the magazine for our reading table. We are very sorry the television classroom course, "Landmarks of Iowa History," is finished. We are hoping to visit some of these places when we go on our vacations next year.

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