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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 7: Fall 1952–Spring 1956

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October 8, 1953 Junior Class Play - "When a man marries his troubles begin," an old saying once stated. What then will happen when a perfectly normal young bachelor needs a wife in a hurry? This is Jimmy Took's problem in the junior class play, "Here Comes the Brides," which will be given Friday evening October 23 in the school auditorium. The brides really will surprise you. The cast: Jack Kilgore - Jimmy Took who needs a bride; Gene Fitzgerald - Jimmy Took's buddy; Ronnie Long - Mr. Oswald, young bill collector; Sandra Long - Aunt Ellen, Bill's aunt; Maris Slauson - Madge Burns, Jimmy's sweetheart; Tom Reese - Dan Took, Jimmy's wealthy uncle; Mary McGrane - Mrs. Duvalle Smith, interested in Uncle Dan; Janet Evans - Bubbles Duvalle, Mrs. Smith's younger sister; Clara Maxwell - Peg Westfield, Uncle Dan's ward; Max Bach - McDaniel, attendant at the sanitarium; Darlene Kelderhouse - Lady McBeth.

October 15, 1953 Music - Mr. Steddom explained a little about marching band this week. We found it very interesting and can hardly wait to get started on our marching band. Beginners' band now has grown to 20 members: George Ballard, Larry Conner, Linda Barker, Jimmy Crabb, John Tiffany, Cheryl Partridge, Sonja Dassenko, Buland Hennick, Claretta Smith, Colleen Dassenko, Dick Rice, Sharon Campbell, Shirley Kern, Linda Laughlin, Sherry Luing, Judy Ellingsen, Judy Hale, Margo Mead, Robert Dodd, Katherine Campbell. The pep band for the coming basketball games is being picked. The girls' glee club is polishing "Come to the Fair,' and "Winter Wonderland."

Junior High News - We chose Shirley Altes, Verlie Etnier, and Saundra Smith to be the October decorating committee. They decorated our room with fall leaves, cattails, buckeye branches and black cats, which gave it a touch of Halloween.

October 22, 1953 Honor Roll: Freshmen - Elliott Partridge, Mary Shultz, Daisy Maxwell; Sophomores - Larry Laird, Bill Ballard, Rex Morrison, John Vasey, Joann Conner, Marjorie Hickle; Juniors - Gene Fitzgerald, Jack Kilgore, Ronnie Long, Janet Evans, Sandra Long, Mary McGrane, Maris Slauson, Clara Maxwell; Seniors - Dale Derby. Our system calls for 24 points to be on the honor roll: A = 8 points, B = 6, C = 4, D = 2, perfect attendance = 2.

The regular meeting of the Collins Parent-Teachers Organization will be held Monday, October 26. The program will consist of music by the third grade, instrumental numbers by the high school, skit by the sixth grade. Speaker is from the Story County Mental Health Association. Chairmen: Avilda and Grainger Buck. Approximately 25 other families are serving on the committee.

October 29, 1953 Career Day - On October 22 we juniors and seniors, went to the Nevada high school to attend Story County's third Annual Career Day. We selected five classes we would like to attend and we were assigned to three that were available. The speakers told us about different occupations and there was a period for asking questions.

The first meeting of the Collins Adult Evening School will be held Monday, November 2 at 6:30 P.M. An oyster and chili supper will be served. The council is: Mr. and Mrs. Grainger Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keagle, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson, Mrs. Don Partridge, Mrs. E. E. Jackson, Mrs. Paul Smith, Everett McCord, Ernest Hofer, Amos Snyder. The tentative schedule of class subjects: Nov. 2 - organizing, Nov. 9 - orchards, Nov. 16 - New problems with oats, Nov. 30 - Rodent control, Dec. 7 - Fire prevention, Dec. 14 - What's new with legumes, Jan. 4 - Wildlife on the farm, Jan. 11 - Farm leases, Jan. 18 - Farm Safety, Feb. 1 - Fertilizers. Let's make this years' program a big success.

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